REFORMS ‘A THREAT TO NHS’ – GPs Conference resolution

Health workers show their angry opposition to the Tory coalition’s privatisation of the NHS
Health workers show their angry opposition to the Tory coalition’s privatisation of the NHS

OVER half of GPs planning to retire in the next two years say NHS reforms are a reason for them going, according to preliminary findings from a major BMA survey.

Speaking ahead of today’s LMC (Local Medical Committees) conference Dr Laurence Buckman, Chairman of the BMA’s GPs Committee, said: ‘These results show that GPs have significant concerns about the government’s NHS reform plans as they stand.

‘From talking to GPs we know that they see potential in the principle of clinically-led commissioning, but there need to be major changes made to the Bill if the government is to reassure GPs.

‘I’m not surprised, for example, to find that two thirds of GPs are worried about how the new consortia will operate when you consider the laissez-faire approach that the government has taken to planning the new arrangements so far.

‘Staff are leaving Primary Care Trusts in droves and those that are left are spending their time and energy creating PCT “clusters” instead, without any certainty about their long-term future.

‘In many areas, GPs are being left to get on with it while many of the key questions, such as how groups will be determined geographically, are left unanswered and still not determined by law.

‘If these reforms are to stand any chance of being successful, the government must carry health professionals with them.

‘Ensuring that there is an explicit duty on commissioning consortia to fully involve all relevant clinical staff in commissioning and changing the role of Monitor to encourage collaboration among NHS providers rather than competition, are key changes to the Bill that the BMA has been seeking.

‘Above all, patients must be reassured that their GP continues to place their needs at the heart of any clinical decisions and the Bill must be amended to ensure that this trusted relationship is preserved.

‘We have two days of debate ahead of us, much of it on health reform. This survey is proof of the strength of feeling out there and the government must listen to the concerns expressed by doctors.’

The BMA survey was sent to every GP in the UK in April. Over 18,000 GPs responded, a response rate of 39 per cent, making it the most significant survey of GPs in recent years.

After age, NHS reform was the second commonest reason for GPs planning to retire in the next two years (71 per cent and 56 per cent respectively).

If these results were extrapolated the survey suggests that in the next two years, approximately 6,700 GPs across the UK plan to retire, of whom approximately 3,700 would say that NHS reforms were a factor in their decision.

Furthermore, approximately 1,345 family doctors plan to leave general practice, not because of age but at least in part because of NHS reforms.

Other key findings from the survey include:

Three-quarters of GPs (76 per cent) do not believe consortia should be paid performance-related bonuses (often referred to as the ‘quality premium’) for commissioning;

Approximately seven in ten are concerned about the potential conflicts of interest within the Health Bill, both for the impact this could have on their relationship with patients and because of their role as commissioners as well as providers (69 per cent and 70 per cent respectively);

Approximately two thirds do not think consortia will be appropriately skilled or supported (66 per cent and 71 per cent respectively) to run the NHS effectively.