PCS & Prospect take action at the British Museum


‘Kick ancient pay out of our museum’ said placards carried by 300 British Museum staff out yesterday against what amounts to a public sector pay freeze instigated (behind the scenes) by a Labour Government.

Both Prospect and Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members united in a determined stance against delays by British Museum management in paying the wage increase due in 2007.

The 1.6% offer is well below inflation, next year’s proposed increase is too low to cope with rises in the cost of food, fuel and amenities and management refuse to talk to the unions, PCS stated.

Mark Serwotka, PCS General Secretary said: ‘Both unions are out against management’s insistence on below inflation settlements and refusal to talk to us, as part of Brown’s pay restraint on public sector workers.

‘We as a union will be following this by bringing our members out with the Local Government workers on 16th July. All public sector unions should join this action’.

Allan Leighton, National Secretary of Prospect added: ‘The Museum’s management was ready, willing and able to pay more, but the Treasury would not allow it.

‘We are not a politically affiliated union, but the government has to be careful, because they are making people react against them.’