The Young Socialists and Workers Revolutionary Party banner on the march in central London after Chris Kaba was shot dead by police

‘TODAY, we are devastated. The not guilty verdict leaves us with the deep pain of injustice, adding to the unbearable sorrow we have felt since Chris was killed,’ members of Chris Kaba’s family stated outside the Old Bailey in central London on Monday night.

Chris Kaba, a 24 year old Black man, was fatally shot by Martyn Blake, a Metropolitan Police firearms officer on 5th September 2022 in Streatham, London. He was unarmed. On Monday, the jury at the Old Bailey found Blake ‘not guilty’ of murder.
The family’s statement continued: ‘No family should endure the unimaginable grief we have faced. Chris was stolen from us, and this decision shows his life – and many others like him – does not matter to the system. Our son deserved better.
‘The acquittal of Martyn Blake isn’t just a failure for our family, but for all those affected by police violence.
‘Despite this verdict, we won’t be silenced. We are deeply grateful to everyone who stood by us and fought for justice. We will continue fighting for Chris, for justice, and for real change. Chris’ life mattered, and nothing can take that away from us.’
Temi Mwale and Kayza Rose of the Justice for Chris Kaba Campaign, said: ‘Today is a devastating moment for the Kaba family, our community, and the nation. Martyn Blake’s acquittal is painful proof that our lives are not valued by this system.
‘The fight for accountability, justice, and racial equity has spanned decades, and we honour all those who have contributed. Despite today’s verdict, our commitment remains unwavering.
‘For the Kaba family, justice was never just about a conviction – it’s about systemic change, a fight we will not abandon as a campaign.
‘This outcome reinforces the harsh reality that police can kill without consequence. No one can be safe while the police can kill with impunity. We stand with the families who lost loved ones before Chris, still seeking justice.
‘This verdict is not the end – it only strengthens our resolve. Now is the time to join the fight for a future where justice and accountability are the norm, and no one is above the law.
‘True justice for our community must go beyond the criminal legal system. It must deliver real repair, healing, and lasting transformation.
‘Rest in Power Chris Kaba.’