Only 137 have signed ‘Compromise’ deal

Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers demand the end of the  sell-out ‘Compromise Agreement’ on their march in Southall earlier this month
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers demand the end of the sell-out ‘Compromise Agreement’ on their march in Southall earlier this month

LOCKED-out Gate Gourmet workers on the picket line yesterday were determined that they will win their struggle to return to their jobs on their long established wages and conditions.

One of the pickets, Lakhvinder, told News Line that the company and the union leaders were ‘lying’ about claims that the company could still provide an in-flight meals service to British Airways, despite the lock-out of around 700 workers.

Lakhvinder said: ‘The leaders of the TGWU are saying that more than 300 have signed the “Compromise Agreement’’ made with the company, when Gate Gourmet admitted on Saturday that only 137 have signed.

‘They are putting pressure on people to sign the agreement.’

Another of the pickets, Bhamra, said: ‘We wouldn’t be here today if the union leaders had secured a good deal.

‘I blame (TGWU leaders) Tony Woodley and Brendan Gold.

‘No one should return to work under this “Compromise Agreement’’, where there will be new conditions and a loss of rights.

‘The TUC should get every member and factory and all the airport out to win our struggle.

‘It would be a matter of a day if this happened, but they are too scared to do what is required.’

Parmjit Bains said: ‘We are standing in the cold weather and are still strong.

‘We are defeating Gate Gourmet.

‘Our union leaders are weak. They cannot even stand with us.

‘We are hard workers and the fact that Gate Gourmet has not been able to provide many of its services after four months shows our strength.

‘This week it is important for all of us to resist the pressure of the company and the union leaders to sign the “Compromise Agreement’’.

‘The TUC should carry out their resolution and fight for our reinstatement.

‘In Ireland over 100,000 marched for the Irish Ferries workers, who are being replaced by cheap labour.

‘This is the same issue as ours. The TUC should organise a bigger action for us.

‘We are for the victory of the Irish Ferries workers.’

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