Middlesex University Strike T0Day!


MEMBERS of the University and College Union (UCU) and Unison at Middlesex University are striking today in a row over job cuts and changes to staff terms and conditions.

Staff will be on picket lines from 8am on College Road in Hendon and at the main entrance to the Trent Park Campus on Snakes Lane, Oakwood.

The row centres on the university’s cost-cutting measures that will result in up to 300 redundancies, with half of the savings to be found by cuts to academic staff.

UCU said the job losses would have a devastating effect on the quality of academic provision and the student experience.

The university is refusing to rule out increased workloads for staff who survive the jobs cull, which the union believes is in breach of nationally-agreed conditions of service.

UCU branch chair at Middlesex University, Arthur Husk, said: ‘Nobody wanted things to come to this but we cannot sit by while our members’ jobs and conditions are attacked and students’ education is put at risk.

‘The university’s savings drive is short-sighted and will have a devastating effect on staff and students. There needs to be an urgent change of direction from management.’

UCU general Secretary, Sally Hunt, said: ‘Industrial action is always a last resort but our members have little choice.

‘I sincerely hope that the university’s management and governors take notice of the opposition to these cuts.

‘A negotiated settlement is still possible if the vice-chancellor is willing to meet for genuine negotiations.’

Middlesex University Unison branch chair, Sara Wright, said: ‘Unison members have delivered a clear message that we are not prepared to take these attacks on our jobs lying down.’

The union said that ‘these severe and drastic cuts represent a serious risk to the University, cutting too fast and too deep, damaging key areas of the University business.’

Unison branch secretary, Paul Howell, added: ‘Staff are already feeling the strain of being overburdened with work, effectively being told to do the work of two.

‘The consequences to the university and students could be dire. Something will inevitably give.

‘Unison does not take such action lightly, however we feel in the current circumstances we have no other choice but to take this action.’

Today’s strike is another blow for the university after it was revealed last Thursday that the beleaguered institution is one of the worst in the country when it comes to offering financial support for students.

Next year it hikes up its fees, up to among the most expensive in the country (£8,602, after financial support is taken into account).