Junior doctors determined to win their pay battle!

Striking junior doctors on the picket line at Homerton Hospital yesterday

JUNIOR DOCTORS at Homerton hospital were yesterday determined to win their struggle and save the NHS from privatisation.

Johnny Denphy junior doctor at Homerton hospital said: ‘I am sad that we’re still striking.

‘I would have hoped that we’d had a credible offer by now. I believe that the strikes have cost more than if they had given us pay restoration.

‘I think all the unions should come together over the minimum services bill because that is the threat to our rights as workers and citizens.’

Tom Merriwether junior doctor at Homerton hospital said: ‘I think this is the longest strike in NHS history and as a result, it’s one where the government will try their hardest to discredit the strikes and the reason why we’re striking, but their nonsense will only strengthens our resolve not to give up.’