FIREFIGHTERS PREPARED TO STRIKE – if Authority carries out mass sakings threat

London firefighters marching in September last year in defence of their jobs
London firefighters marching in September last year in defence of their jobs

FIREFIGHTERS are prepared to strike to defeat the Tory-controlled London Fire Authority if it carries out its threat to sack all 5,500 London firefighters at an ‘emergency meeting’ today.

A meeting to consider the state of negotiations between the fire authority and the Fire Brigades Union over changes to firefighters’ shift patterns was to be held at the end of January, but has been brought forward to today, after chairman Brian Coleman ‘ran out of patience’.

The authority is expected to vote in favour of an official document stating that unless new working practices are adopted: ‘The authority would have no option but to consider termination and re-engagement.’

Chris Higgins, Enfield and Haringey FBU Borough Secretary, told News Line yesterday: ‘We are determined to defend our jobs. We’ve stayed solid and that will continue.

‘The first day of strike action was 23rd October and our second day was 1st November.

‘We were due to strike over bonfire night weekend, but we suspended that at the last minute after the management moved slightly, and with the best interests of the public at heart as well.

‘After that we went to the Resolution Advisory Panel (RAP) arbitration which came out with two recommendations which were to form the basis of a negotiated settlement.

‘The two options were put to a vote of the London membership and the majority vote was for option two, which consisted of a 10 and a half hour day and a 13 and a half hour night.

‘Currently we work a nine hour day and 15 hour night.

‘We are not prepared to see our terms and conditions thrown away.

‘At a meeting on Friday our negotiating team will be reporting back.

‘Even though members voted to accept option two the brigade are now saying they want a 13 hour night and 11 hour day.

‘Rumour has it that because there is no negotiated settlement as yet they may try to impose their wishes.

‘But the strike mandate is still live and if they come back and try to impose anything that is contrary to the rap outcome then it will be activated.

‘The strength of feeling is certainly still there. We’ve made a lot of concessions over the last three weeks.

‘Of course there is still the question of the 27 fire engines that the Brigade moved and handed over to Assetco, the fantasy firefighters.

‘They’ve stated they will be returned when the dispute is resolved, but in the same breath Coleman has said he wanted to look into the possibility of whether London could do without these appliances for the future.’

FBU London Regional Secretary Joe MacVeigh told News Line concerning the sacking ultimatum: ‘The statement they put out was deeply ill-considered.

‘If the chairman of the fire authority tries that on then the membership will defend their livelihoods and support their union.

‘Our members have been magnificent in their support throughout this dispute and I’m sure that support will continue.

‘We’ve still got the threat of dismissal hanging over us and if that Section 188, threatening the termination of our contracts, is not withdrawn, if they decide to terminate our contracts without a satisfactory resolution, that will be a big mistake.

‘We don’t need to re-ballot.’

Ben Sprung, London Regional Organiser, said: ‘The London Regional Committee of the FBU is meeting on Friday at 11am.

‘If we have to take industrial action in response to the management making the wrong decision, then so be it.

‘The FBU are not interested in Coleman’s tactics and we’re not willing to dance to his tune.’