FBU Condemns Strike- Breaking Force!

London FBU members lobbying against fire service cuts
London FBU members lobbying against fire service cuts

‘London Fire Authority are paying £12m over five years for what is in effect a strike-breaking force.

‘We are unequivocally opposed to it, it’s a waste of taxpayers’ money,’ London Fire Brigades Union (FBU) regional official Paul Embury told News Line yesterday.

He was responding to the announcement by AssetCo plc that, following a competitive tendering process, it has ‘been awarded a five-year contract by London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) for the provision of an Emergency Fire Crew Capability Service to the London Fire Brigade (LFB) of up to 700 staff trained to provide a contingency firefighting service.’ 

Last year, AssetCo won a 20-year PFI contract to take over ownership and maintain London fire engines and equipment.

Embury said of the latest contract: ‘The money would be better spent on frontline services.

‘Instead of spending money on a scab force, they should get round the table and try to resolve industrial disputes in a proper way.

‘It is no coincidence that they have made this move just at a time the London FBU is about to embark on industrial action over a number of industrial relations issues.’

Commenting on AssetCo’s ambitions to extend its contracts over the country, Embury added: ‘If this is rolled out anywhere else, I’m sure other FBU regions will feel the same as we do in London.’

AssetCo noted: ‘This is the first major contract of its nature to be awarded by a UK Fire and Rescue Service, reflecting the increasing role Fire and Rescue Authorities have in securing their own business continuity arrangements without reliance upon the support of the MoD.’

News of this strike-breaking move came as Essex FBU is preparing to ballot for strike action over cuts, while South Yorkshire firefighters have been threatened with mass sackings over their campaign against anti-social shift changes.

It also comes as tributes continue to pour in over the tragic death of courageous 35-year-old Edinburgh firefighter Ewan Williamson, and his injured colleague.

Both helped rescue at least 20 people from the tenement block above the bar in Dalry Road, Edinburgh during a severe fire that broke out in the early hours of Sunday.

Kenny Ross, FBU Scotland regional secretary, said: ‘Our thoughts are with the families, friends and colleagues who have been stunned by these events.

‘Deaths in the line of duty touch everyone who works in the fire service. The death of this firefighter will be felt very deeply by everyone in the service in Scotland and across the UK.’

FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack said: ‘This terrible news is a reminder of just how deadly our profession can be.

‘Our thoughts are with all our colleagues in fire services across the UK who will be touched by these events.

‘There are no borders to grief and this death will impact on fire crews across the UK. They will all give full support and assistance to our colleagues in Lothian and Borders.’

Andy Fulton, FBU Lothian and Borders brigade secretary, said: ‘It’s a very hard blow to lose one of our fellow firefighters. We all work closely with each other together and we’re a close-knit fire service.

‘It is difficult to adequately describe the impact the death of a fellow firefighter has on everyone in the fire service.

‘We are all stunned and deeply hurt by this loss although we all know we have to keep working to provide a fire and rescue service for the people of Lothian and Borders.’