‘END THE OCCUPATION!’ urges the Hamas resistance

Hamas fighters of the resistance movement call for an end to the Israeli terrorism

HAMAS, the Palestinian resistance movement, has issued a call for an end to Israeli occupation and terrorism against Palestinians on the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism.

The group released a statement on Wednesday, highlighting the plight of Palestinians as victims of Israeli aggression for more than seven decades.

In its declaration, Hamas emphasised that ‘our Palestinian people have been victims of organised and continuous terrorism for more than seven decades’.

The movement urged for ‘an end to the … terrorism of the occupying Zionist entity, halt to its aggression, and to end its unjust occupation of our land’.

The statement comes as the United Nations and countries worldwide commemorate the international day, established by the UN General Assembly in 2017 to honour victims and survivors of terrorism.

Hamas pointed out the stark contrast between this global observance and the ongoing situation in Gaza, stating that ‘our Palestinian people are still being subjected to the most heinous war of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and systematic destruction of all aspects of human life in the Gaza Strip’.

The resistance movement provided grim statistics of the conflict’s toll over the past ten months, reporting ‘more than 40,000 martyrs have been killed, most of whom are women and children.

in addition to more than 93,000 wounded and injured, over 10,000 missing under the rubble, and thousands who were kidnapped and detained in occupation prisons and detention centres’.

Hamas called upon the United Nations and the international community to take concrete action, urging them to ‘work seriously and responsibly to expose the terrorism of this Zionist entity against our people’. The group further advocated for the escalation of ‘all practical measures to prosecute it (Israel) in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court’.

The statement criticised the international response, cautioning against being ‘satisfied with the statements and condemnations that the fascist occupation’ regime makes ‘in light of the American bias and support, and the absence of (an international) deterrence to curb its terrorism against our land, people and sanctities’.