Big victory for Ealing Hospital workers

Ealing Hospital Medirest strikers on the picket line during their seven-day strike last month – they have now won a 16 per cent pay increase
Ealing Hospital Medirest strikers on the picket line during their seven-day strike last month – they have now won a 16 per cent pay increase

THE GMB trade union yesterday declared a massive victory for low-paid Ealing Hospital ancillary workers.

The union called off strike action, due from yesterday by 150 GMB members employed by Compass (Medirest) at Ealing NHS Hospital Trust, in London, after members accepted a new offer following talks on Thursday with the company and the Trust.

The GMB said: ‘The new offer is as follows:

• ‘An increase in the hourly rate from £6.31 to £7.31 per hour, effective 1/4/2014. This equates to a 16% increase.

• ‘Two additional days leave, effective from 1/4/2014

• ‘Harmonisation of pay rates across the Trust from April 2015. This should deliver an hourly rate between £9.10 and £9.30 per hour.

‘The members are employed as domestic, catering, porters and help desk workers.

‘Workers taken on by Compass after the work was outsourced were offered lower terms and conditions than comparable NHS staff or those transferred under TUPE to this contract.

‘This had led to a two-tier workforce as Compass did not pay NHS pay rates or conditions.

‘This gave rise to a 44% pay gap between £6.31 and the lowest comparable NHS rate in London of £9.10 per hour. There were eleven days of strike action in this dispute. Over 98% voted in an official ballot to take strike action.

‘GMB is still involved in a second dispute with Compass in the public sector.

‘GMB members employed by Compass as chefs in schools across East Sussex will be balloted for strike action unless a 9% cut in pay – a potential loss of £720 per year on a salary of less than £8,000 – is withdrawn.’

Bhimraj Rai, GMB Medirest senior representative, said: ‘We are very pleased with the outcome. It has been a long, hard fight and GMB members have stuck together throughout the dispute.

‘We never wanted to take strike action but when our employer would not entertain our claim, then we had no option other than to strike.

‘From 1st April 2015, the Director of Ealing and Northwick Park NHS Trust has given us a guarantee that we will get sick pay and the London Living Wage.

‘We are demanding that we are taken back in-house from that date and re-employed directly by the NHS.

‘We see this as a great victory. The strike was very strong and solid and the members were absolutely firm. We got great support from the public and the other workers at the hospital.

‘We told them if they don’t stick to their word on April 1st next year we will come out again.’

Payal Paul, GMB Medirest representative, added: ‘This settlement is a massive victory for the GMB members and will end the unfair two-tier workforce on this contract.

‘We are very thankful to our union for supporting us. At last we are moving in the right direction.’

Stella George-Duesbury, GMB Regional Organiser, said the workers’ ‘commitment and unity in addressing their claim has resulted in better pay and conditions. Despite some of the tactics used by management, the members remained strong and resolute.’

Dr Pucek, who works at the west London hospital, commented: ‘These workers were being treated really unfairly and I’m glad they have won.’

Brenda, a secretary and Unite member, said: ‘I’m glad they won. It’s good to see that it’s worth challenging these things.’