A MASSIVE anger is growing at GM Luton and throughout the town against the threatened closure of the car plant.
Workers at GM Luton were summoned to meetings by management on Tuesday night and during yesterday’s shifts about the crisis in GM.
Workers told News Line ‘We were given no assurances about the factory’s future and were told that all the sacrifices made by the workforce at Luton already – a cut in the working week to 35 hours, downdays and other cost-cutting measures, were not enough to ensure the factory’s future.
‘We were also told that even further cuts would be required if GM Luton was to have any chance of selling itself as a leaner proposition.
‘Management said that what is really needed to make GM Luton profitable is a 20-hour week, but management recognised that the workforce couldn’t survive on half pay!’
Speaking to News Line yesterday in the town centre, Don Zelvaras, a student from Milton Keynes, said: ‘It makes no sense to close down industry. If they shut it down, the economy is going to go even more downhill.’
He added: ‘It’s not the right time to close GM, it’s going to have a huge impact in this climate. I would like see a change in society, instead of it being run just for shareholders’ interests.’
Gary Stead said: ‘I’ve lived in Luton most of my life and I’m unemployed. If people in GM lose their jobs it will be tough on them and their families. It’s getting harder to find work now.
‘I don’t think the unions should accept any job losses. I think there should be action to defend the factory.’
Tony, a former carworker laid off last year, said: ‘I think they should keep GM. There should be something done to keep the workforce there. It needs the support of the whole town. They need the town behind them.’
Sheila Goonan told News Line: ‘My partner’s dad used to work at IBC on the line and he was made redundant.
‘We need union leaders who will stand up and be counted, who will put their heads above the parapet. Occupy GM if that’s what it takes. The workers have nothing to lose now.’
Mohammed age 19 said: ‘Unemployment in Luton is really bad, we need more jobs for the unemployed, for the youngsters. Tell the government stop spending money on useless things and spend it on the future. We need to give our support to the workers at GM Luton.’
Emma Brown said: ‘My boyfriend works nights at GM. He works for an agency in the factory and his brother works there as well.
‘I think there should be an occupation to keep GM Luton open. It’s been all over the news for the last week.’