Airlines ‘Staring Bankruptcy In The Face’ – Balpa


BALPA the pilots trade union yesterday called on the government to rescue the air industry with the ‘same approach that kept the banks afloat’.

It states ‘A number of airlines are now staring bankruptcy in the face and if their aircraft are subsequently grounded tens of thousands of people will be marooned abroad.’

BALPA warned the government that ‘if it fails to act it will find that an equally important foundation of our economy is lost’.

The British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) has called for a co-ordinated response to the crisis in air transport caused by the continuing closure of airspace.

‘Firstly, on the decision-making that has lead to closure: NATS (National Air Traffic Services) will not have taken this decision lightly and BALPA can only respect their decision – we are fans of caution.

However, this is not the first volcanic eruption that there has been in the world, but it is the first time that there has been the closure of so much airspace, for such a prolonged period and with no end in sight.

‘Aviation safety thrives in an open culture and we are asking:

‘1. Whether the Met Office and NATS have opened their assumptions to peer review by other authorities elsewhere in the world, many of whom will have had practical experience of dealing with ash clouds caused by eruptions?

‘2. What criteria will be used to decide if it is again safe to open the airspace? Will it continue to be based on computer modelling, will practical experience be brought to bear; what further testing do the decision makers need?’

BALPA General Secretary Jim McAuslan said: ‘These are important questions. Pilots’ ultimate responsibility under the Air Navigation Order (our equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath) is for the safe transport of passengers. Pilots will want to know on what basis the decision to reopen is being taken. To help us get there we are willing to help analyse the current data, identify gaps and provide an aviators’ input. We can field expertise; all we need is to be asked.

‘Secondly, on getting people home. It is not an exaggeration to say that a Dunkirk spirit is needed. Even when the skies are opened, aircraft will be in the wrong place all over the world . . .

‘Thirdly, on the short-term financial impact which could not be more serious for an industry already reeling from the economic downturn now crippling our industry.’

McAuslan added: ‘The financial fall-out from this could not be more serious. The experience we had when XL Airways went under was only a taster of what we now face.’