THERE were 150,000 workers, students and youth marching through the streets of London for Palestine from Hyde Park Corner to Whitehall on Saturday.
As the march was assembling several trade unionists who were there with their banners spoke to News Line.
Ash Khan, PSC Bradford, said: ‘I feel that if all the unions got together to strike, the country would come to a standstill and the government would have no alternative but to act.
‘We’ve got to stop arming and supporting the illegal state of Israel. We’ve also got to stop supporting all the illegal wars in this world, in Sudan, Lebanon, Africa, stop looting the third world countries and stop oppressing the poor.’
Phil Brown, Unite, Watford, said: ‘We want trade union action to support Palestine. We should not be arming Israel. It must stop now.’
Mark Everson, Camden Unison, said: ‘The unions must strike for Palestine. As a country Britain is supporting the genocide. Labour is a disgrace. The TUC should call action now, a general strike. Camden Unison strongly supports Palestine in every way.’
Keith Hamilton, CWU South Central postal political officer, told News Line: ‘Nationally the CWU supports the call for a ceasefire and recognition of the Palestinian state.
‘The TUC should call radical action to stop Britain arming Israel. While we are condemning genocide, on the flip side, the government increases the sale of arms to Israel. Yes to a general strike for Palestine.’
Maire Daly, South London veterinary nurse, said: ‘The genocide is horrendous. My family are very pro-Palestine, we’re from Ireland and most people in Ireland support Palestine.
‘We went through years of oppression so we understand their suffering. The unions must call strike action for Palestine now.’
Paul McDonald Prospect union, said: ‘Trade unions must act now. The TUC must call a general strike now. I’ve worked all my life in the nuclear industry in Cumbria. I’ve come down from Cumbria for the march today, but marching is not enough. The TUC must stand up for Palestine now.’
The march set off with tens of thousands of Palestinian flags waving in the air.
Hundreds of marchers joined in the constant chants behind the Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists banner towards the front of the march all the way to Whitehall.
Slogans included: ‘What do we want? General Strike When do we want it? Now! Arrest Netanyahu – Stop the Genocide! From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free! Keir Starmer You Can’t Hide, We charge you with Genocide!’
• see feature and editorial