Khan Elected Mayor!


IN an overwhelming victory for Labour, Sadiq Khan has become the new mayor of London yesterday.

Londoners were glad to see the back of Boris Johnson who, in his eight years of being mayor has forced the closure of ten fire stations across the capital, the destruction of council housing, and supported academisation of schools and hospital closures.

12 candidates battled it out to be the third person to hold the post of Mayor of London.

Ken Livingstone was the first mayor of London. The mayor has control over four major policy areas in London, transport, policing, environment, and housing and planning.

Sadiq Khan has promised a mass building campaign of at least 80,000 new social housing properties a year. Firefighters, nurses, and teachers and all Londoners will now be demanding that all cuts carried out by Boris Johnson are immediately reversed.

They will also be demanding all closed hospitals and fire stations are re-opened and that schools are taken back under local council control.