‘MARCH IN YOUR MILLIONS’ – Defiant Gadaffi urges masses

Libyan workers and youth demonstrating in London last month against the NATO-led attack on their country
Libyan workers and youth demonstrating in London last month against the NATO-led attack on their country

IN a live speech to the Libyan people over Libyan state Al-Jamahiriyah TV last Tuesday the, Libyan Leader Muammar al-Gadaffi said that he will never surrender and that ‘millions’ of Libyans would march against the NATO supported rebels. As he spoke the murderous NATO alliance carried out daylight bombing raids on Tripoli.

He said: ‘You cowards; you shall not intimidate the great Libyan people. You shall not intimidate resilient Tripoli.

‘Tripoli withstood destruction and had the ability to stand in the face of the Spanish, and the Sicilians, the cavalry of Malta, the Byzantines, the Romans and the Italians.

‘All these crumbled against Tripoli’s rock of resistance. Glory shall be for Tripoli, glory shall be for Libya that is facing the most aggressive, barbaric, savage campaign to force it into submission.

‘But we shall not submit, we shall not surrender. We only have one option; this is our country and we shall stay here till the end, dead, alive, victorious – it does not matter – this is our only option, this is our country and we shall stay here – we shall not leave, we shall not surrender, we shall not sell it.

‘You oppressors, Hitlerites, tyrants, fascists, unjust people, you bastards, you are the ones who have a number of options: return to your countries, repent from this sin; withdraw. Drag your tails, withdraw, go back, feel remorse, return to your homelands and leave Libya to its people.

‘You have a number of options, but we have only one option, this is our country and we shall remain in it till the end.

‘The Libyan people shall end this battle; they shall end this soap-opera which you would like to lead to the submission of the Libyan people, but the Libyan people shall force you to submit to its will.

‘The Libyan people must march in their millions, and when I say millions I mean a quarter of a million, half a million, three-quarters of a million, one million or more.

‘This is the meaning of the word million.

‘The million marches which the Libyan people must undertake, towards the mountain or in the direction of any area which has armed gangs which had enlisted your help so that you may pour your fire on us. The Libyan people will march, in the direction of the East or the West, or to any place where there are armed gangs.

‘We shall march in our millions to strip them of their arms without fighting. A quarter of a million Libyans or half a million Libyans shall march without fighting to apprehend the armed gangs and to strip them of their arms in front of the world.

‘Your planes shall not be able to stop these marches of the millions, nor shall the armed gangs that you support be able to resist for even a minute in the face of these marches.

‘We shall march, men and women, with our heroes, with our elders, with everything we have to liberate our country and to unify our country. This is our historic duty. We shall not be cowardly. We shall not betray. We will not betray our history, we will not betray ourselves. Pour your fire, as you like, for you shall not find cowardice as I told you.

‘We are stronger than your missiles, stronger than your planes; the voice of the Libyan people is louder than the sound of explosions. The resolve of the Libyan people is stronger than your artillery and stronger than your aircraft carriers. This is not the first time you waged war on us and were defeated and came to regret it.

‘I address the Libyan people at this hour, knowing that its morale is high; these are hours of glory. The Libyan people right now are living hours of glory that future generations shall be proud of. Our children and grandchildren shall be proud of us and our resilience and courage today. We shall defeat the enemy; our fate does not matter, death does not matter, we have decided to perform our duty.

‘This battle was unjustly and aggressively forced upon us, one in which we had no say. We have decided to perform the duty we are obliged to, a duty we owe to history, to our forefathers who sacrificed for Libya, to our grandchildren who shall live in Libya.

‘NATO, You are setting fire to the sea, you are setting fire to the desert, you are chasing a mirage. What do you want? What do you want? What do you want?

‘Did we attack you? Did we cross the sea and attack you? Did we hit you? Why this constant bombing? To force us into submission? To hell with you, you shall not, we shall never submit. We welcome death; we do not want a life under tyranny, we do not want a life under your planes and bombs: that is not a life, martyrdom is a million times better.

‘Oh Libyan people, your determination must remain strong; I know that your determination is strong, and your heads are held high.

‘I have just seen the young people in Bab al-Aziziyah; when the missiles fell, they headed to Bab al-Aziziyah with bare chests. These are the Libyan people who you think shall submit. They do not submit.

‘Men and women are facing the battle of life, and I told you, life does not matter at this stage, neither does victory matter, neither does death matter. What matters is the duty that we must perform, whether we die, are martyred, commit suicide, gain victory; this doesn’t matter.

‘What matters is our duty that we must perform towards history, towards the past and towards the future. We owe it to our country and because we were attacked at home, in our houses.

‘Even the women, out of anger, are putting themselves forward for firearms training. This is something magnificent, the Libyan woman.

‘Look at Libyan women, thousands of them are coming forward to be trained to use arms to fight.

‘You shall not defeat an armed nation. You shall not defeat an armed nation. Benghazi shall rise up. Darnah, Tobruk and Al-Baydah shall rise up. The great Jabal, Al-Jabal al-Akhdar shall rise up. There will be a freedom fighter under each tree of the Jabal al-Akhdar. You know the tribes who fought you. You know the bravery of these tribes.

‘You will see this day in Benghazi when your dirty ministers visit it, you want to bomb Benghazi? You want to humiliate Benghazi? You want to humiliate our great tribes?

‘These tribes shall erase shame, they shall erase all shame. Traitors do not exist, traitors have no value, all they have done is in vain. The people shall remain, the people shall remain, resilience, resilience!

‘I am now speaking with planes flying overhead, and bombing taking place next to me. But my soul is in the hands of God.

‘We do not think of death and we do not think of extinction, we do not think of life, we think of performing our duty.

‘This is your country. Aggression came to your land, to your home; perform your duty! Forward! Millions must march east and west!’