Israeli Guards Attack Palestinian Prisoners!


The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) has published a ‘A Communiqué from Arab Prisoners of War In An-Naqab Desert Prison.

‘Demanding to put the prison administration on trial…

‘For the crime of bursting into their cells, abusing their rights.’

Addressed ‘to whom it may concern’, the communiqué says:

‘We the prisoners in An-Naqab desert prison belonging to all factions of Palestinian resistance, demand to put on trial all those responsible for what happened in all sections of the prison known as the Administrators Fortress, where Matsada forces specialised in breaking into against Arabs, at the directorate general of prisons, on Monday morning at 10:20.

‘At the time they broke into the sections allocated for war prisoners in seclusion while the prisoners were asleep.

‘They were heavily armed, they broke through while firing their weapons.

‘They were carrying and throwing tear gas bombs and sound bombs, beating unarmed prisoners of war with clubs, tying their hands with plastic strips and drew them out of the sections they were imprisoned in without a reason or indictment, all with the excuse of searching.

‘The breaking in started with section G1, and when other sections adjacent to it tried to confront the invaders after hearing the shouting in the assaulted section, incidents expended to eight other sections without justification.

‘The invading forces fired rubber bullets, tear and sound bombs at all the sections and whoever is imprisoned in them.

‘They were aiming at direct targeting in the torso and the head to cause permanent inabilities.

‘The number of casualties exceeded 300, thirty of whom were hit in the eye that could result in total blindness.

‘Firing was made at short distance thus making the result more effective, thus many of the injuries are serious.

‘Muhammad Sati Al-Ashkar from the village of Saida-Toul Karem fell martyr.

‘Fire broke out in sections G1 and G2, burning six tents and all the belongings of the prisoners including clothing, books electric appliances and other belongings, this is other than some of the prisoners suffered severe burns.

‘Injuries were caused by tear and gas bombs and breaking whatever comes in their way and beating.

‘All other sections were also invaded under heavy fire, beating and dragging prisoners without consideration to sick men who were also hand cuffed to the back.

‘About 200 of them were put in the room usually used for visitors the area of which doesn’t exceed 80 square metres.

‘The Mitsada broke into the room and fired at prisoners where the most serious wounds were inflicted among whom was martyr Ashkar.

‘It is to be noted that representatives of the prisoners tried several times to ask the officers of the administration to calm things down and to bring out the wounded, but without any positive result.

‘This proves that the breaking in and what followed, including refusal of any possibility for negotiation, calming down or dialogue, this proves, by all means, that the enemy wanted to execute a plotted-for massacre and other crimes.

‘We are addressing this communiqué to all concerned, with headlines about what took place without details, we address public opinion, judicial and legal establishments, human rights organisations, legislative committees, international political organisations, and the media.

‘We request everybody to act with responsibility to work on accusing all those who took part immediately accountable, and restrict them from performing their jobs.

‘And to make sure that war prisoners shall no more be assaulted, release the isolated prisoners and put all those directly responsible for injuries and murder on trial, starting with the commander of the prison, Shlomo Cohn, the fortress administrator Duke Rodriguez, security manager Hamamy, intelligence manager Yousuf Khanfis, section officers Thabet, Halek and others and all those who participated and were responsible for them, including Shabak leaders and those responsible in the ministry of security and the Israeli government.

With respect,

‘Prisoners in An-Naqab desert prison belonging to all factions of Palestinian resistance,

‘Fatah Movement – William Jalal

‘Hamas – Rabieh Umar

‘Al-Jihad – Muhammad Masalmeh

‘Popular Front – Isam Shawawrah

‘Democratic Front – Dia’ Al-Juiebah.’

l Relatives of the Palestinian prisoner Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija on Sunday appealed to legal and human rights organisations to step in and save his life that is threatened after spending five years in Israeli occupation isolation cells.

They said that Abul Haija, who was kidnapped by Israeli special forces five years ago in Jenin refugee camp, is suffering skin diseases other than the psychological harassment and overall worsening health conditions.

The family members said that the Sheikh, who had his right hand amputated in an IOF shooting before his arrest, was also suffering acute pains in his amputated hand.

The Israeli prisons authority refuses to extend proper medical treatment to Abul Haija and insists on retaining him in isolation, the relatives said, noting that the Israeli Prisons Authority (IPA) was not content with the military court’s nine life sentences and 20 years imprisonment against him but also heeded the Israeli military intelligence’s recommendation and decided to hold him in isolation.

Abul Haija is also deprived of family and lawyers’ visits ever since his detention, the family members said, noting that the IPA also deprives him of joining his son Abdul Salam, who is serving a 7-year-sentence and Asem who is still held without trial.