Amazon ‘illegally interfered in Alabama’s union vote’ alleges RWDSU


THE UNITED States’ Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) is to file charges against Amazon on the grounds that they illegally interfered in a recent vote to recognise the union, and to hold the giant company accountable for their actions.

The RWDSU will file Objections and Unfair Labour Practice charges implicating Amazon.
This follows reports that Amazon employees at the company’s giant warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, have voted against unionising the facility’s roughly 5,800-person workforce.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced that out of 3,041 potentially valid votes, 1,798 workers at the BHM1 fulfillment centre had voted against joining a union, while 738 workers voted in favour. (The union had previously reported collecting a total of 3,215 ballots.)
The eligibility for 505 ballots was contested, mostly by Amazon; because more than half the total votes opposed unionisation, these challenged ballots were not opened.
A union statement issued last Friday, 9th April said: ’Today, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) announced it is filing Objections to the conduct of the Election and related Unfair Labour Practice charges (ULPs) with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charging that Amazon interfered with the right of its Bessemer, Alabama employees to vote in a free and fair election; a right protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
‘The RWDSU will request that the NLRB Regional Director schedule a hearing on its objections to determine if the results of the election should be set aside because conduct by the employer created an atmosphere of confusion, coercion and/or fear of reprisals and thus interfered with the employees’ freedom of choice.
The RWDSU will also present evidence to the Regional Director supporting the issuance of a ULP complaint against Amazon for unlawfully interfering with the protected right of employees to engage in union activity.
‘Workers fighting for a voice and fair treatment in the workplace will now await the results of these hearings on the objections to determine the final outcome of their union vote.
‘After enduring an intensive anti-union campaign designed by Amazon to intimidate and manipulate, workers are seeking the chance to finally have a right to fair representation, a seat at the table and a real chance to fix the litany of issues that workers at Amazon have faced for far too long.’
Stuart Appelbaum, President of the RWDSU issued the following statement on the objections and related charges the union is filing:
‘Amazon has left no stone unturned in its efforts to gaslight its own employees.
‘We won’t let Amazon’s lies, deception and illegal activities go unchallenged, which is why we are formally filing charges against all of the egregious and blatantly illegal actions taken by Amazon during the union vote.
‘Amazon knew full well that unless they did everything they possibly could, even illegal activity, their workers would have continued supporting the union.
‘That’s why they required all their employees to attend lecture after lecture, filled with mistruths and lies, where workers had to listen to the company demand they oppose the union.
‘That’s why they flooded the internet, the airwaves and social media with ads spreading misinformation. That’s why they brought in dozens of outsiders and union-busters to walk the floor of the warehouse.
‘That’s why they bombarded people with signs throughout the facility and with text messages and calls at home. And that’s why they have been lying about union dues in a right to work state. Amazon’s conduct has been despicable.
‘Worst yet, even though the NLRB definitively denied Amazon’s request for a drop box on the warehouse property, Amazon felt it was above the law and worked with the postal service anyway to install one. They did this because it provided a clear ability to intimidate workers.
‘We demand a comprehensive investigation over Amazon’s behaviour in corrupting this election.
‘Working people deserve better than the way Amazon has conducted itself during this campaign. This campaign has proven that the best way for working people to protect themselves and their families is to join together in a union.
‘However, Amazon’s behaviour during the election cannot be ignored and our union will seek remedy to each and every improper action Amazon took. We won’t rest until workers’ voices are heard fairly under the law. When they are, we believe they will be victorious in this historic and critical fight to unionise the first Amazon warehouse in the United States.’

  • The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union represents 100,000 members throughout the United States, and is affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW).THE UNITED States’ Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) is to file charges against Amazon on the grounds that they illegally interfered in a recent vote to recognise the union, and to hold the giant company accountable for their actions.

The RWDSU will file Objections and Unfair Labour Practice charges implicating Amazon.
This follows reports that Amazon employees at the company’s giant warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, have voted against unionising the facility’s roughly 5,800-person workforce.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced that out of 3,041 potentially valid votes, 1,798 workers at the BHM1 fulfillment centre had voted against joining a union, while 738 workers voted in favour. (The union had previously reported collecting a total of 3,215 ballots.)
The eligibility for 505 ballots was contested, mostly by Amazon; because more than half the total votes opposed unionisation, these challenged ballots were not opened.
A union statement issued last Friday, 9th April said: ’Today, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) announced it is filing Objections to the conduct of the Election and related Unfair Labour Practice charges (ULPs) with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charging that Amazon interfered with the right of its Bessemer, Alabama employees to vote in a free and fair election; a right protected under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.
‘The RWDSU will request that the NLRB Regional Director schedule a hearing on its objections to determine if the results of the election should be set aside because conduct by the employer created an atmosphere of confusion, coercion and/or fear of reprisals and thus interfered with the employees’ freedom of choice.
The RWDSU will also present evidence to the Regional Director supporting the issuance of a ULP complaint against Amazon for unlawfully interfering with the protected right of employees to engage in union activity.
‘Workers fighting for a voice and fair treatment in the workplace will now await the results of these hearings on the objections to determine the final outcome of their union vote.
‘After enduring an intensive anti-union campaign designed by Amazon to intimidate and manipulate, workers are seeking the chance to finally have a right to fair representation, a seat at the table and a real chance to fix the litany of issues that workers at Amazon have faced for far too long.’
Stuart Appelbaum, President of the RWDSU issued the following statement on the objections and related charges the union is filing:
‘Amazon has left no stone unturned in its efforts to gaslight its own employees.
‘We won’t let Amazon’s lies, deception and illegal activities go unchallenged, which is why we are formally filing charges against all of the egregious and blatantly illegal actions taken by Amazon during the union vote.
‘Amazon knew full well that unless they did everything they possibly could, even illegal activity, their workers would have continued supporting the union.
‘That’s why they required all their employees to attend lecture after lecture, filled with mistruths and lies, where workers had to listen to the company demand they oppose the union.
‘That’s why they flooded the internet, the airwaves and social media with ads spreading misinformation. That’s why they brought in dozens of outsiders and union-busters to walk the floor of the warehouse.
‘That’s why they bombarded people with signs throughout the facility and with text messages and calls at home. And that’s why they have been lying about union dues in a right to work state. Amazon’s conduct has been despicable.
‘Worst yet, even though the NLRB definitively denied Amazon’s request for a drop box on the warehouse property, Amazon felt it was above the law and worked with the postal service anyway to install one. They did this because it provided a clear ability to intimidate workers.
‘We demand a comprehensive investigation over Amazon’s behaviour in corrupting this election.
‘Working people deserve better than the way Amazon has conducted itself during this campaign. This campaign has proven that the best way for working people to protect themselves and their families is to join together in a union.
‘However, Amazon’s behaviour during the election cannot be ignored and our union will seek remedy to each and every improper action Amazon took. We won’t rest until workers’ voices are heard fairly under the law. When they are, we believe they will be victorious in this historic and critical fight to unionise the first Amazon warehouse in the United States.’
• The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union represents 100,000 members throughout the United States, and is affiliated with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW).