News Line Anniversary Rally

Anniversay Rally 54 Years

Rally: 2-6pm, February 17th 2024

Starting: Hargrave Hall, Hargrave Road, Archway N19 5SP

Tickets: £3

  • End Israel’s genocide! For a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital!
  • Wages & benefits must rise to match inflation!
  • Force the TUC to call a general strike to kick this government out!
  • Bring down capitalism, forward to socialism!
  • For a workers government and nationalised planned economy!
  • Victory to the world socialist revolution.

Speakers include:

In a personal capacity

  • Mick Whelan – ASLEF General Secretary
  • lan Hodson – National President of BFAWU
  • Chris Moe-Loembe – Unite rep Royal London Hospital
  • Chris Anglin – UCU chair CONEL


  • Frank Sweeney – WRP General Secretary
  • Aabhinav Tyagi – Young Socialist Editor

And more speakers to be announced

Get your tickets now from 0207 232 1101