Western-Backed Syrian Opposition Committing War Crimes!


THE US, UK, French, Turkish, Saudi and Qatari-backed ‘Syrian rebels’, who have been armed, equipped, financed and recognised as the representatives of the Syrian people by their patrons, have been accused by the UN of carrying out war crimes against the people of Syria.

This belated announcement by UN officials has been forced on the august body after numerous videos have been put out by ‘Syrian rebels’ showing them shooting, hanging, and torturing civilians and Syrian soldiers, and throwing people off the tops of buildings.

The issue really is that the actual killers are only apprentices; their imperialist and Arab feudal masters are the really expert killers and organisers of murder par excellence.

The speciality of the latter is organising war crimes. The British ruling class has only recently been indicted for its counter-revolutionary war against the Land and Freedom Army in Kenya, where tens of thousands of Kenyans were hanged and where many were treated in the cruellest fashion, which included being castrated.

As well, under the Labour government of Blair, the UK went to war based on a lie about wmds. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were butchered, and some were beaten, tortured and killed by British troops.

Yet today, one of the main leaders of the great Iraqi mass murder campaign, Tony Blair, insists that it was all worthwhile and constituted the beginning of Iraqi democracy, and that he would do the same thing all over again.

Blair of course remains a card-carrying believing Christian! This is par for the course.

What has happened in Syria is that the intervention campaign has become bogged down because the Syrian people are not allowing the Assad regime to be overthrown by foreign intervention.

This is what has ignited the mass killings. The imperialists are seeking revenge from the Syrian masses, trying to terrorise them into action and revealing to the world that one of the main instruments of US and UK foreign policy is the Al Qaeda and associated movements.

What the imperialist powers were attempting in Syria was to re-run the operation that was organised in Libya, to remove the Gadaffi regime, murder its leader and grab the oil wealth.

The same Al Qaeda forces were used, backed by NATO bombers and the Saudi and Qatari feudalists.

There, the mass killings came after Gadaffi was overthrown and murdered.

Many black Libyans have been killed, and the country is in the grip of murderous militias who are settling accounts with the Libyan people for supporting Gadaffi for over 40 years, by murdering their way around the country.

The Al Qaeda allies of NATO went as far as murdering the US ambassador, their supreme benefactor, causing the US president to make a crucial decision which was not to intervene against their ally to save their ambassador.

The US-UK position is that they would use the bubonic plague to achieve their war objectives, ie seizing a country’s oil and gas resources, and then cynically view the murderous consequences of such an action as a price worth paying.

These war criminals will not be brought to justice by any judge at The Hague.

This will only be accomplished by the victory of the Syrian and Libyan people and the victory of the world socialist revolution!