Turn the imperialist war against Russia into a civil war to smash British Capitalism


THE BRITISH ruling class has now made it crystal clear that it favours a class war on two interconnected fronts.

On the home front it is bringing in legislation to ban trade union strike actions so as to be all the better at driving the working class back to the dark ages when poverty pay was the rule, and workers and their families as a rule starved and went cold in the winter.

The British ruling class has embraced its own special contradiction. It preaches austerity at home, while abroad it spends billions on arming the right wing Ukrainian regime, so that it will be able to attack and make war on Russia, to restore some version of the Romanovs, and resolve the crisis of capitalism.

Since the Ukraine and the region around it is the granary of the planet, this policy has seen oil and food price inflation rocketing upwards, with workers in the UK and the major capitalist countries paying huge food and energy bills, turning them into paupers overnight.

The UK ruling class does not apologise for causing this critical situation for workers, it exults in it, saying that workers should be pleased to starve and go cold for the benefit of the Ukrainian fascists and, of course, the British ruling class.

Its policy of starving the working class at home, all the better to stoke up the war against Russia, has not gone down too well with the UK working class.

So accompanying the huge inflation rise, the ruling class is bringing in new anti-union laws that ban the right to strike, and give bosses the right to organise strike breakers to keep industry going and keep wages being wiped out by inflation.

This policy has produced a strike wave, and is providing a valuable education to UK workers that their enemy is at home and that the working class of the world is their ally.

In fact it is the British ruling class that is fighting for its life, after the 1917 Russian Revolution and then the 1949 Chinese Revolution deprived it from ruling vast areas of the planet.

British, US and EU capitalism is fighting for their lives with war on two fronts – facing the UK, US, French, Italian and German workers at home, and menaced by the gains of the Russian and Chinese workers abroad. The crisis of imperialism and the demented capitalist states today has reached explosion point.

The imperialists desperately need to weaken Russia and China, and overthrow these workers’ states in order to be able to dominate the world as they were used to, and super exploit their own workers.

They are fighting a war on two fronts, at home against the working class, and abroad against the gains of the Russian and Chinese revolutions. It is a war against Russia, and a war against the working class at home to be able to continue to super exploit it.

The working class must defend Russia and China and must turn the imperialist war against Russia into a civil war at home with the UK ruling class, to expropriate it and go forward to socialism.

It was Marx who put forward the call for the ‘Workers of the world to unite’ saying ‘You have nothing to lose except your chains,’ and ‘you have a world to win’.

The Russian revolution was the first great blow against capitalism and was the beginning of the world socialist revolution. This was followed by the victory of the Chinese revolution in 1949.

Today’s workers are faced with defending the Russian and Chinese revolutions by building the sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International, to turn the imperialist war that capitalism is creating in every capitalist country into a civil war, to complete the victory of the world socialist revolution.

In the UK this policy calls for a massive building up of the Workers Revolutionary Party and branches of the Young Socialists to lead the struggle for a general strike and a socialist revolution to put an end to British capitalism and imperialism.

The US and the UK ruling classes are seeking to organise a new world war against Russia and China.

We must organise the world socialist revolution to put an end to capitalism and to create the conditions where the Russian and Chinese workers can retire the Stalinist bureaucracy and rule through workers’ soviets.