Stop the UK plot to launch a missile attack on Russia by bringing down the UK and US ruling classes!


US PRESIDENT Biden is now poised to lift the ban on the UK’s Storm Shadow missiles being fired into Russia by the US-UK’s fascist allies in the Ukraine.

This would not only be a major provocation to Russia but would invite retaliation from Russia and its allies that would cost the lives of many thousands of British workers.

Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State, is currently visiting the Ukraine alongside David Lammy, the UK’s current Foreign Secretary, to discuss the lifting of all restrictions on the missiles with the Ukrainian leader Volodymir Zelensky.

US President Biden and the UK’s Labour Prime Minister Sir Kier Starmer will then hold talks on changing the policy at a White House summit on Friday, so as to mount a major missile attack on Russia. The cause of war is to be that Iran is now supplying Russia with ballistic missiles!

‘Russia is now said to have received shipments of these and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine,’ Blinken informed the UK yesterday in London.

He told his UK opposite number that these Iranian missiles are a threat ‘not only to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, but to all of Europe.’

It is now more and more obvious that what is driving the UK capitalists into an attack on Russia, through the Ukraine, is the gigantic and developing crisis of the worldwide capitalist system that has been analysed by many to be qualitatively deeper than the last great collapse of capitalism which led to war and revolutions in the 1930s and 40s.

Government officials have been bold enough to state that they expect a formal change of policy later on this week, and within weeks the Ukraine will be able to deliver a major ‘pre-emptive strike’ against Russia using the bunker-busting Storm Shadows which can hit targets 150 miles away.

It is to be a surprise attack, comparable with the last great surprise attack that saw Japanese imperialism destroyed by nuclear weapons in 1945.

The UK ruling class is about to engage in a really desperate venture of a life-or-death nature since Russia will retaliate, and the UK workers will not be too pleased that they have been pitched into a war by a ruling class that has made it quite clear that it views the standard of life that UK workers have won to be the principal cause of the decline, and now fall, of British imperialism.

In fact, the struggle is now already underway since the capitalist state has now admitted that it has already trained up to 50,000 Ukrainian troops in the UK!

It just awaits the starting signal from US imperialism and President Biden for the war to start, and another great imperialist slaughter begins.

This week, the TUC has been meeting in Congress. Its leadership must condemn the news that the UK may be pitchforked into a war in the Ukraine and a new attempt to restore capitalism in Russia, and then China.

The General Council of the TUC must now meet and tell the UK government it will not allow the organisation of a pre-emptive strike against Russia, and that it will meet any such attempt by recalling the TUC Congress to call a general strike to bring down the government and bring in a workers’ government and socialism.

In fact, stopping the USA and its allies attacking Russia is a matter for the working people of the world.

They must react to any pre-emptive strike against Russia with general strikes to bring down the capitalist regimes and bring in Workers’ Governments in the major capitalist states.

Any attempt to organise a war against Russia must see workers respond with general strikes and socialist revolutions in the capitalist states to put an end to capitalism. Now is the time for the working class of the USA, the UK and the EU to say: ‘Hands Off Russia’.

Any attempt to launch wars against Russia and China must be met with workers’ revolutions in the major capitalist states. This the only way to provide a real future for the hundreds of millions of workers and youth who are exploited by capitalism. This is the only way to prevent a new and horrific imperialist war.

Now is the time to build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International to organise the victory of the world socialist revolution.

Now is the time to build mass Young Socialists movements to drive forward and organise the youth and workers of the world to carry out the worldwide socialist revolution!