Reject Labour’s racist points system!


A NEW points-based immigration system for workers who want to come to the UK from outside the EU was unveiled by Home Secretary Charles Clarke yesterday.

The scheme is designed to allow the British bosses to poach highly skilled, younger workers from Africa and Asia, the kind of workers – doctors, engineers, IT specialists – that the British ruling class no longer wishes to spend large amounts of money training, while at the same time keeping the Black and Asian masses out.

The British ruling class loses no sleep over the fact that the stolen doctors etc have cost their home countries vast amounts to train, as a percentage of the GDPs of these countries.

Clarke’s points system is to keep the black masses out of Britain. They are no longer needed. They are being replaced by hundreds of thousands of East Europeans who are part of the EU, are all white, over ninety per cent non Muslim and who are being organised by gangmasters to work for a fraction of the wages that British workers receive.

British capitalism and imperialism never changes. It remains a super-exploiter, parasitic and racist to the core.

Asian and African doctors and engineers are to be at the top of the five layer points system that Home Secretary Clarke has drawn up to come in from mid-2007.

They can come to Britain and stay here any time that they like, even if they have got no employer lined up to employ them, so valuable are they to the British capitalist class.

Those on the other four layers of the points system will only be allowed in for the limited duration that they are needed.

Skilled workers, like nurses, teachers and plumbers, would be able to come to the UK if they can plug shortages in the workforce, but we have all heard of the legendary Polish plumber.

A person applying as a low-skilled worker would be granted entry to fill specific job vacancies for fixed periods, with guarantees that they will leave when the contract ends.

But it will be desperately hard for low-skilled, non-EU workers to head to Britain.

Clarke says the system will simplify immigration when it is brought in in mid 2007. In fact, it is designed to keep the black and Asian masses out and to try to turn back the historical clock.

The Home Office says the scheme will work in partnership with employers and universities, and in conjunction with the introduction of biometric visas, residents’ permits and passports. It will slot into the police state pattern that Labour is creating, with the Asian and African masses being kept very much at arm’s length.

Clarke confirmed yesterday that this was the case: ‘People will be able to apply online and fill in the forms. We will have a much better control of the situation.’

Labour stands for the free movement of capital, but for state control of the movement of workers and for the strictest anti-union laws to keep down wages.

The News Line and the Workers Revolutionary Party stand for the free movement of workers. We welcome all workers to Britain whether they are from Eastern Europe or Africa or Asia. We call for the workers of the world to unite against capitalism and imperialism. We are opposed to all of the Tory and Labour racist Immigration Acts and are against Labour’s racist points system.

We stand for the trade unions organising all workers that come to this country to prevent the super exploitation of migrant workers, or any worker, and to prevent cheap labour being used to hold down the wages of the working class as a whole.

We are building up the WRP to organise the working class to overthrow British capitalism, and to drive forward the world socialist revolution to bring in world socialism, to put an end to the national and racist divisions that capitalism has created.