Palestine suspends recognition of the state of Israel!


THE PALESTINIAN Central Council met in Ramallah on Sunday and Monday and, after deliberations on important matters for the Palestinian people, it made a number of very important decisions including that Palestine suspend its recognition of the state of Israel.

On President Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ – the plan to allow Israel to annex occupied Palestine – the Council decided ‘to confront it by all means in order to thwart it, and to consider the US administration as a partner to the Israeli occupation government and part of the problem and not part of the solution.’

The statement continued to ‘stress the continuation of a severance of relations and contacts with the US administration until it rescinds its illegal decisions on Jerusalem, refugees and settlements and its position on the PLO.’

The Central Council adhered to the call ‘for an international peace conference with full powers, under the auspices of the United Nations, that includes the five permanent members of the Security Council and other member states on the basis of international law and the relevant United Nations resolutions. . . to ensure the end of the Israeli occupation and the implementation of the relevant UN resolutions in order to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and just peace in the region.’

The Council insisted that all Arab countries ‘stop all forms of normalisation with the occupation authority’ (Israel). It pledges its ‘Adherence to the vision of President Mahmoud Abbas, which he put before the UN Security Council on 20 February 2018, in order to end the Israeli occupation and reject projects to liquidate the Palestinian cause including all attempts to sever the Gaza Strip from the West Bank and Jerusalem, through a Gaza mini-state.’

The Palestinian Central Council affirms ‘that the relationship between our people and its State with the government of Israel, the occupying power, is a relationship based on the conflict between our people and its State under occupation and between the occupying power and racism (Israel).

‘It affirms that the immediate objective of our people is to end the occupation and achieve independence of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 4th June 1967 borders, in implementation of previous resolutions of the National Council, including the 1988 Declaration of Independence and relevant United Nations resolutions, including General Assembly resolution 19/67 on November 29, 2012, and uphold the right of our people to self-determination and return on the basis of UN resolution 194.

‘In view of Israel’s continued denial of the signed agreements and the ensuing obligations, the Palestinian Central Council reaffirms its previous decision considering that the transitional phase no longer exists, and decides to end the obligations of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority towards its agreements with the occupation authority (Israel), mainly it suspends recognition of the State of Israel until its recognition of the State of Palestine on the 4th June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.’

There will be ‘A cessation of security coordination in all its forms, and economic disengagement on the grounds that the transitional phase, including the Paris Protocols, no longer exist.’

The Council confirmed its ‘total rejection of the suspicious projects aimed at severing the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, and also including our eternal capital East Jerusalem as part of the “deal of the century”.’

The Council ‘Calls on the Arab states to sever all diplomatic relations with any state that recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moves its embassy to it . . .

‘The Central Council stresses the adherence to our right to resist the occupation by all means in accordance with international law’ and ‘the necessity of supporting the boycott Israel movement’, and inviting countries of the world to impose sanctions against Israel, especially in light of the racist Nation-State law.’

The victory of Syria over western-backed terrorists has changed the Middle East. Workers in the UK and throughout the world must now give their full support to the Palestinian people and the struggle for their state, and to liberate the Middle East from imperialist domination.