Obama brings in tough sanctions against Iran as he prepares to meet Netanyahu


PRESIDENT Barack Obama has signed into law the toughest ever US sanctions on Iran.

The measures, on top of new UN Security Council and European sanctions, aim to deprive Iran of access to imports of gasoline and jet fuel and prevent it having access to the international banking system.

Obama commented: ‘With these sanctions we are striking at the heart of the Iranian government’s ability to fund and develop its nuclear programmes.’

He continued to threaten: ‘We are showing the Iranian government that its actions have consequences, and if it persists, the pressure will continue to mount, and its isolation will continue to deepen. There should be no doubt that the United States and the international community are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.’

The US Senate and House of Representatives gave full backing to the US sanctions by 99-0 and 408-8 margins.

The gateway to these massive sanctions was provided by the Russian and Chinese Stalinists when they voted at the UN Security Council for sanctions against Iran and refused to veto the US resolution.

The Iranian response to this attack was to defy imperialism and postpone nuclear talks as a ‘penalty’.

The Russian government has merely said that it did not vote for unilateral US measures. However, Putin and Medvedev knew exactly what the US would do as soon as its resolution was through.

As usual, the Stalinists are trying to ride both horses at the same time, and betraying the Iranian people and the workers of the world.

In fact the measures are aimed just as much at the US’ allies as they are against Iran.

They shut off US markets to companies that provide Iran with refined petroleum products that the oil-rich nation must have to meet internal demand, because of its practically non-existent oil refining capacity.

They also shut out of the US financial system non-US banks and companies that trade with Iranian institutions.

Obama arrogantly issued a last warning. ‘The government of Iran still has a choice. The door to diplomacy remains open. Iran can prove that its intentions are peaceful. It can meet its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and achieve the security and prosperity worthy of a great nation.’ So speaks the regime that tolerates Israel acquiring 200 nuclear weapons!

Now, Obama is due to meet the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Washington next week.

‘This time, the talks with President Obama on the Palestinian issue are more important than ever,’ an Israeli statement said Friday morning. ‘They will determine the future of the peace process in the region’.

Obama wants a further easing of the blockade of Gaza, and moves to a political settlement of the Palestinian issue. Without these, it will be very difficult to bring Turkey back into the US-Israel fold, and proceed with the planned US-Israel military action against Iran.

The Israeli defence Minister Barak will be accompanying Netanyahu to the Obama meeting on Tuesday where direct negotiations with President Abbas, and the halting of Israeli settlement building to achieve them, will be the issue.

For the Palestinian people the issue is that they must not allow any surrender of their position. They must insist with their leaders that they must have an independent state, based on the 1967 boundaries, with East Jerusalem as its capital, with the settlements abandoned, with all refugees having the right to return and with the Palestinians allowed to have the government of their choice, in full control of their access to the sea and airspace.

The workers of the world must insist that there must be no war on Iran, and that sanctions be imposed on Israel until it agrees to the establishment of a completely independent Palestinian state.