Netanyahu ready to strike Iran, while McCain calls to bomb Syria


ISRAEL, which has several hundred nuclear bombs, has issued a warning that it will not wait much longer before it strikes Iran, which has no nuclear weapons, but is developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes.

Israeli Premier, Netanyahu made it perfectly clear while addressing a US Zionist rally, and also during his meeting with President Obama that ‘A nuclear armed Iran must be stopped’ and that time is running out and Israel would not wait much longer before mounting a massive air strike.

Netanyahu said he could not allow his people to ‘live in the shadow of annihilation’ and that Israel was ‘determined to prevent Iran having nuclear weapons’.

President Obama said that the US, which has thousands of nuclear weapons is determined to prevent Iran making a nuclear weapon, but that sanctions which are being intensified should be given a chance, since hasty military action would see the entire region explode.

Netanyahu responded to this line by stating that ‘Israel has waited for diplomacy to work, we’ve waited for sanctions to work. None of us can afford to wait much longer. As prime minister of Israel I will never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation.’

This is the Prime Minister of a regime that has lived in the shadow of annihilation since it was founded – the annihilation of tens of thousands of Arabs and its displacement of millions more in wars and ethnic cleansings since 1948.

Obama despite his reservations about an immediate attack made it clear that the US was at the disposal of Israel, and the bond between them was ‘unbreakable’.

US imperialism, despite its much publicised reservations, is actually saying that it may well be Israel’s job to launch a strike on Iran, and take the odium of it, while the ‘unbreakable alliance’ will see the US intervene in the region against any Iranian counter-blows.

The reality is that the world capitalist crisis is driving the imperialist powers and its mercenaries, such as Israel, to try to divide and redivide the world and its resources.

In the US, not to be outdone, the last Republican presidential candidate McCain has now made a public call for the US to bomb Syria, for the crime of defending itself against US-backed insurgents.

McCain said: ‘Providing military assistance to the Free Syrian Army and other opposition groups is necessary, but at this late hour, that alone will not be sufficient to stop the slaughter and save innocent lives. The only realistic way to do so is with foreign airpower.’

He added: ‘Therefore, on request the United States should lead an international effort to protect key population centres in Syria, especially in the north, through airstrikes on Assad’s forces.’

He added for good measure: ‘Increasingly, the question for US policy is not whether foreign forces will intervene militarily in Syria. We can be confident that Syria’s neighbours will do so eventually, if they have not already. Some kind of intervention will happen, with us or without us.’

The US ruling class are dicing with death, and the lives of millions.

Last week a Russian Foreign Office official confirmed that the signed treaty between the USSR and Syria, under which the USSR would move to the assistance of Syria if it came under attack remained in force.

The crisis of capitalism is driving forward wars and revolutions as the ruling class fights for survival.

All workers must support under attack Iran and Syria and look to resolve the world crisis by smashing capitalism and imperialism to go forward to socialism and fraternal relations between the nations.