Workers Revolutionary Party

Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole in the UK state’s finances, and that the working class will have to pay it off if British capitalism is to survive.

An early assessment from her audit indicates that the £19bn covers ‘excess pressures’ for the 2024-25 financial year alone!

The capitalist press has indicted Reeves and concluded that the £19bn includes higher public sector wages that she has allegedly agreed to.

Treasury ‘sources’ have told the capitalist press that the Chancellor is preparing to raise taxes by up to £25 billion this autumn in an attempt to ease a gigantic spending squeeze that will see millions of workers having wage cuts imposed on them, as well as mass sackings.

British capitalism is in its ‘death agony’, and the only way that it sees out of this death agony is through massive attacks on the standard of living of the UK working class, and its youth, alongside a drastic rearmament programme so that the UK will be able to take its place in an imperialist crusade against Russia.

The truth of the matter is that for the ruling class there is no way out of the British capitalist crisis, unless the working class is forced to cough up every penny of the huge debts that capitalist governments have built up.

Another feature of this death agony, is that the Tory party has already collapsed, leaving a Labour Party with a massive majority, that its leaders will want to try and use to stab the working class in the back, to make it pay for the capitalist crisis, but which workers will resist tooth and nail, despite the conservative nature of the current trade union leadership, which fears a socialist revolution even more than does the bosses.

The millions of workers in the trade unions must now take action to force their union leaders to call a general strike to make the bosses pay for their crisis, by nationalising the banks and the major industries and by bringing in a planned socialist economy.

In fact the UK working class is going to play a major role in the struggle to smash capitalism worldwide and bring in a World Socialist Republic.

The UK workers have already given massive support to the masses of Palestine who are fighting the savage attempts of the Israeli ruling class to drive them out of their country and into the sea.

It has not escaped the attention of the UK workers that the British ruling class, along with their US masters, have been arming Israel to the teeth and allowing them to kills tens of thousands of Palestinian people.

It also has not escaped the notice of UK workers that the British ruling class are beginning to treat them in the same way that Israel treats the Palestinian workers, by making them pay the full bill for the crisis of capitalism.

There is only one way out of the developing world crisis of the capitalist system.

And that it to build the Workers Revolutionary Party in the UK and a mass Young Socialist youth movement that will mobilise the masses to organise the British socialist revolution, to overthrow the British ruling class and bring in the UK Workers Republic.

In the UK, workers must now tell the trade union leaders that they will not allow a Labour government to carry out the savage attacks that have always been associated with the Tories.

They must demand a Special Congress of the TUC to oppose all wage cuts, sackings and austerity measures with a general strike to bring down the Starmer government and bring in a Workers Government and Socialism

This is the only way forward!

Now is the time to build the WRP and the Young Socialists into mass revolutionary organisations ready, willing and able to mobilise the masses of the working class and the youth to carry out the socialist revolution in the UK.

To defend wages, jobs and basic rights, the working class must bring down the Starmer regime and replace it with a workers government and socialism.

Forward to the British Socialist Revolution! Forward to the victory of the world socialist revolution!

Build Sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country to take forward the struggle for the victory of the world socialist revolution!

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