Brown & Mandelson are not talking down the pound, they are planning to scrap it!


THE EU Commission’s President Barroso has been told by the ‘people who matter’, ie by members of the Labour government, that they now favour Britain dumping the pound sterling and embracing the euro.

In his words the UK is ‘closer than ever before’ because of the effects of the global ‘credit crunch’ and the way that this has led to a 20 per cent devaluation of the pound against the dollar and the euro.

In fact, last weekend, Lord Mandelson, who was until recently the EU’s Trade Commissioner, said that ‘our aim’ should be to join the single currency’.

Barroso boasted about a UK euro entry: ‘We are now closer than ever before.’

He added: ‘I’m not going to break the confidentiality of certain conversations, but some British politicians have already told me, “If we had the euro, we would have been better off”.’

A Downing Street spokesman said: ‘We have no comment on this. Our position on the euro is the same – it has not changed.’

However the News Line has a comment.

Government leaders, including the Prime Minister Gordon Brown, have been attacking all those who have pointed out that their policy of doubling the national debt has led to a 20 per cent devaluation of the pound, and that they are heading towards a massive run on the currency that will lead to sky-high interest rates and a disaster for workers and mortgage holders.

They have described these opponents as ‘talking down the pound.’

Now we know the truth. This is that, Brown and co have so little confidence in the strength of British capitalism and the pound sterling that they are planning to dump the currency as soon as they can and embrace the euro, becoming part of the euro zone.

They are charlatans, knowingly leading the working class and the middle class along a road that they know is leading to a greater disaster, while they have a secret agenda of their own, which is to dump the pound.

There has been secret diplomacy taking place, behind the back of the working class, which is not a secret any more.

French workers torpedoed the drive to impose a constitution onto the EU, which would make it a paradise for privateers, and Irish workers completed the job by seconding the French vote.

Brown was too frightened to carry out Labour’s manifesto promise and have a referendum on the constitution.

Now Labour government leaders are planning the organisation of a constitutional coup to drag the working class into the EU.

The whole manoeuvre has now been made public and has become a public admission that British capitalism and its currency are on the rocks, and that the Brown government is becoming more and more desperate that even its extremist attacks on the working class will not rescue it.

Workers must now take up a really determined defence of their own class interests.

They must remove all those union leaders who refuse to fight for their members.

They must demand that threats of job cuts or closures of plants are answered with occupations and strike action to demand their nationalisation under workers’ control.

The trade unions must draw up their own cost of living index to keep wages in line with the real inflation rate, to be reviewable monthly.

Councils of Action must be set up to mobilise every section of the working class and the middle class to stop all hospital closures with occupations, and to halt all repossessions of workers homes by the banks, and all demolitions of council estates.

There must be the organisation of a general strike to bring down the Brown government and to bring in a workers government to expropriate the bosses and bankers, and organise a socialist planned economy.