Arrogant Trump Assumes His Bonaparte Pose While Threatening The Lives Of Hundreds Of Millions Of Workers And Youth!


THE ARROGANT would-be dictator Trump has issued the workers of the world with his ultimatum that they must either stand and deliver to him Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and the pick of the world’s resources, or face war and invasions, in which large numbers of workers and their families will be obliterated for the benefit of a handful of greedy billionaires.

He delivered his ultimatum after attempting to send his jailbird emissary, Tommy Robinson, in advance to Europe with the advice to millions of workers and youth to surrender and capitulate, while they still had the chance to do so.

Asked at a media conference whether he would rule out using military or economic force against the people of the world he responded that he wanted Greenland for ‘security reasons!’

Trump regards Greenland as his personal property stating that ‘it’s massive’, and ‘that it should be part of the United States’, he concluded.

Trump already has a defence agreement with Greenland and a US airbase at Pituffik Space base.

Buying Greenland will secure automatic access to Trump and the US military to the airbase, and be a threat to the lives of everybody else.

The Imperialist Trump insists that the US must have Greenland in its grip for security reasons and that it is a vital location for US missile defence systems and for space surveillance and travel.

In fact, the US offered Denmark $100 million dollars for Greenland after the Second World War, but instead secured a defence treaty centred on the establishment of the US military base in Greenland, the Pituffik Space Base.

It is the US’ most northern outpost and is a vital station for an attack on Russia, and also space explorations, surveillance, and robbery.

Trump is therefore determined to seize Greenland as a vital missile defence station for attacking Russia.

He says that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity. The Washington Post has calculated that the acquisition of Greenland will cost the USA up to $1.7trillion.

Trump says that he wants the base for national security reasons, and for freedom throughout the world – that is the freedom of the US ruling class to loot the planet at its leisure.

He is absolutely convinced that assuming the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity for the future of the USA as the dominant imperialist power.

Occupation of Greenland will also require major military forces – a massive occupation, since the 57,000 Greenlanders are not Trump enthusiasts.

Greenland’s Prime minister, Mute Egede, said yesterday: ‘We are not for sale and we will not be for sale.

‘We must not lose our long struggle for freedom!’

In fact the working class of the US, the UK, Europe and Asia must fight tooth and nail against the Trump drive for a ‘Third World War’ to ensure that the US remains the master of the universe by smashing Russia and China and killing hundreds of millions of workers.

Trump intends to drive down wages and to maximise the profits of the ruling classes of the planet.

The workers of the world must declare that the enemy is at home, and is the ruling class with their plans to make billions super exploiting the working class.

The workers of the world must unite in the building of the Fourth International, with sections in every country to organise the victory of the worldwide Socialist Revolution. European workers will not just stand back and watch the US ruling class plunder the planet.

The truth is that capitalism is in its greatest crisis ever, its death agony, and must be put out of existence with the victory of the world socialist revolution.

Sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International must be built in every country.

Now is the time to build the WRP and a mass Young Socialists movement here in the UK.

Forward to the victory of the British and World Socialist Revolution to smash capitalism and go forward to World Socialism!