Brics Challenge To Almighty Dollar!


MOSCOW believes that the US capitalists are targeting it with sanctions ‘because the events in Ukraine have not developed the way Washington scripted them,’ the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

The statement continues that ‘The outrageous and groundless desire to blame Russia for the civil war in a neighbouring country, which was caused by a deep internal crisis and already resulted in the loss of many lives, proves that the US and its clients in Kiev have failed to pacify the wide public dissent.’

In fact Moscow is only revealing part of the ‘script’.

The coup in Kiev was planned in Washington and Berlin with the object of annexing the Ukraine to the EU and preparing the way for similar counter-revolutions in Belarus and Moscow.

The US bosses and their government, that Putin terms as ‘colleagues’ and partners’, are in fact deadly enemies of the working people of the world, determined to reorder the world and bury all of the gains of the Russian, and Chinese revolutions.

Their assault and their sanctions have had a major impact on the Stalinist bureaucracy.

It is now allowing the workers of eastern Ukraine to fight the Kiev coupists on their own and is only helping refugees.

To show its even-handedness, Moscow is even treating Ukrainian soldiers who have been wounded in the battle against the ‘seperatists’.

The attacks of the imperialists have won from Putin pledges that Russia will not intervene in the Ukraine, giving Kiev a free hand, that it is taking full advantage of.

In place of a real policy, Putin has been making desperate efforts to try and split the German bourgeoisie from the US, but Merkel is about to impose more sanctions on Russia as well, following the lead of the US.

Now he has turned to the BRIC states as the solution to the problem of the difficulties that Russia is having with its ‘Western colleagues’.

Of course it is good that Russia has established such good relations with China, Cuba, India, Brazil, South Africa and Argentina.

It is good that they will be able to set up their own World Bank with $100bn at its disposal.

The Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Urjit Patel, stressed the larger-scale implications of the deal, which he said mirrors the International Monetary Fund, and is intended to help the BRICS and other developing nations free themselves from Western dominance in international finance.

‘I think it is an important signal that BRICS countries are willing to take the lead in changing the way we think about the financial architecture of the world,’ Patel said during the summit in Fortaleza.

Reports in China’s official media following the move to set up the Contingency Reserves Agreement (CRA) and a BRICS development bank, highlighted the opportunity that comes with the agreements to tap market potential and diversify exports.

‘The exhilarating outcome is due to the joint efforts from BRICS members to deepen their economic cooperation and tap their potential by innovative means and methods,’ China’s Xinhua news agency said in a comment.

However, there is no way that US and EU imperialism will take the establishment of a rival financial body to the IMF by Russia and China as anything else than a declaration of war.

Following the meeting and agreements made in Brazil, we can expect massive sanctions against Russia and then China, much greater help for the Kiev coupists, while the US encourages Japan in the east to become a nuclear anti-Chinese power.

This is the way that the imperialist powers will react to the attempt of their Russian and Chinese ‘colleagues’ to establish a level playing field.

While we support the oppressed nations getting together in any way that they can, this is not a substitute for the world socialist revolution.

This is why the real defence of the Russian and Chinese revolutions requires the building of sections of the Fourth International in every country, to lead the world socialist revolution, that the capitalist crisis is driving forward in every country to its victry.

This is the way forward for both the oppressed nations and for the working people of the world.

Victory to the Ukrainian workers.

Build sections of the FI world wide.

Forward to the victory of the world socialist revolution.