‘DON’T RETURN US TO SLAVERY!’ – migrant workers demonstrate


HUNDREDS of migrant domestic workers will be gathering in Old Palace Yard, Westminster at 11.00 am this Sunday to demonstrate against the government’s proposed changes to the domestic workers visa.

The Cameron government plans to change the visa and remove some of the most fundamental rights of migrant domestic workers which could leave them vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and human trafficking.

At present, migrant domestic workers are allowed to change their employer without losing their immigration status, meaning if they are mistreated, they can leave and find new non-exploitative work to support their families.

They can seek justice through the police or the employment courts without fearing they will be removed from the UK.

If these rights are removed, unscrupulous employers will know they can abuse and exploit with impunity.

Justice 4 Domestic Workers, the group organising today’s rally, are supported by Philippines rights group Kalayaan and Unite the union in demanding that the UK government does not return slavery to the UK.

They are demanding that domestic worker visa rights are retained, including: the right to change employer and recognition as a worker covered by employment legislation; that those who come to the UK with diplomats have these same rights; and the UK ratify and implement the International Labour Convention on domestic workers.

Justice 4 Domestic Workers Chair Marissa Begonia said: ‘Where are we heading if the minimal protection we have is about to be removed – back to the century of slavery?

‘The domestic worker visa has been our escape route from abusive employers and enabled us to rebuild our lives from this exploitative situation.

‘The UK government acknowledged the need to protect migrant domestic workers in 1998 and implemented the domestic workers visa. Why take back what is proven as the best protection of some of the most vulnerable workers?

‘The more vulnerable the worker is, the more protection they need.’

Jenny Moss, Community Advocate at Kalayaan, said: ‘It is shameful that the UK government intends to return us to slavery for the sake of knocking 1,000 people from their net migration total.’

Unite assistant general secretary Diana Holland said: ‘It is horrifying to contemplate a return to the slavery and bonded labour before the visa. This government cannot brush the issue of slavery under the carpet.’