THE Iranian daily Keyhan has been examining the Russian intervention into Georgia and seeking to draw lessons from it.

It states: ‘In the early hours of last Friday, Georgian tanks, artillery and fighter planes, self-assured of American support, attacked the city of Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, the majority of whose residents are Russian and several years ago- in 1992- had unilaterally announced their autonomy.

‘Reportedly, this attack resulted in approximately 1500 deaths. However, after some hours of the Georgian army’ attack against South Ossetia, Russia entered the battlefield in support of Ossetia, contrary to Georgian expectations and calculations.

‘The intensity of Russian strength which was carried out from ground, air and a few hours later from the sea, was so severe and the casualties so high that the Georgian army had no choice but to retreat and at the same time the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili officially requested for America’s interference and help.

‘America’s only help to its cosy ally was a request to the UN Security Council to declare a ceasefire which met with immediate opposition from Russia and the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who had stressed: “By attacking South Ossetia, Georgia has endangered its territorial sovereignty” announced: “A ceasefire is not the solution to this war” and Russian fighter planes that had cleared Ossetia of Georgian soldiers, took the battle to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia! . . .

‘Yesterday, according to the Jerusalem Post newspaper, Georgian authorities asked Ehud Barak to use his influence to persuade Russia to accept a ceasefire and the response by the Zionist regime was that such political pressures are only within the reach of Washington and the occupiers of Qods also issued a statement supporting Georgia but not condemning Russia’s actions.

‘This statement met with surprise and protest by Georgian authorities who expected more from the Zionist regime because of their ten year presence in Georgia, the sale of military equipment to this country and the training of Georgian military forces and . . .

‘It is worth mentioning that Davit Kezerashvili, the Georgian Defence Minister who was in charge of planning the Friday morning attack by the military forces of this country against South Ossetia, is a Zionist Jew who was educated in the occupied Palestine and for last few years, holds a key post in the Georgian government along with several other Zionist Jews . . .

‘This article does not intend to review the events in the recent war between Georgia and Russia because a full account of the saga with all its details has been reported meticulously by Keyhan. What we intend to show in this article is firstly the “lesson to be learnt” and then pointing out the signs of a determining event in global equations; an event, the consequences of which must be assessed beyond the war between Russia and Georgia and the Caucasus region.

‘Firstly; after the collapse of the former Soviet Union and becoming separated from the Eastern camp like many other newly-independent countries of this region, Georgia was gradually drawn towards the west as a result of wide-spread and mutual conspiracy of America, Europe and the international Zionist lobby, and eventually as a result of the development of a project which came to be known as the velvet revolution – the soft overthrow type – came under the complete control of America.

‘From then onwards, Georgia was turned into one of America’s prime and strategic bases, alongside its traditional rival Russia and by relying on the support of America, Europe and the Zionist regime Georgia was considered a threat against Russia.

‘The attack on Friday morning by the Georgian army against South Ossetia with the intention of taking over this state, took place with such assurance and complete confidence in America’s support – as Georgian diplomats had stated – and it was expected that America would enter the field in support of Georgia, especially after Vladimir Putin announced that the “territorial sovereignty of this country had been endangered.”

‘But the calculations of America, Europe and the Zionist lobby went beyond entering the battlefield in support of their cosy ally and endangering their interests!

‘This issue along with tens of other lesson teaching incidents can and should give a lesson to the group of pro-westerners inside the country or those neglectful and unaware of the equations ruling the present world, who consider intimacy and union with America to be the key to the resolution of Islamic Iran’s problems and the elixir for a trouble free and unchallenged presence on the international scene and have taken up the language of abjectness – or neglect – and are constantly prescribing “direct negotiation”, “the establishment of ties” and friendship with America.

‘Secondly; although we cannot yet judge correctly concerning the recent war and its after effects and consequences, the existing facts and evidence indicate that Russia is pursuing a change in its strategy in global equations or at least it can be said that it is putting this possible change of strategy to the test. Because:

1. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, this is the first time that Russia has entered into a full blown war with another independent country and it is worth mentioning that Vladimir Putin, the present Prime Minister and Russia’s former President is directly commanding the war; so much so that some western circles believe that Putin’s new post after the presidency can be defined according to Russia’s afore-mentioned change of strategy.

‘2. “Conquering connected territories” was Russia’s war strategy for expansion and development of its influence during the former Soviet era and rule of Czars.

‘The countries separated from the former Soviet Union were conquered through this same strategy and merged with Russia. The recent war shows that the Russians have returned to their former strategy.

‘3. Taking into account the fact that Russia is fully surrounded by the countries separated from the former Soviet Union and now in the western camp, this change of strategy gets a definable meaning and justification which is worth deliberating upon.

‘4. Few existing evidences and statements by many Russian officials show that Russia predicts a dangerous end for the continuation of its policy of patience and tolerance against America’s step by step advancement in the Caucasus region; such as being encircled by NATO, losing corollaries that were formerly strategic, an undeniable decrease in regional and global power and . . .

‘5. Although Russia’s tough and comprehensive military attack against Georgia has been in response to the latter’s attack against South Ossetia, this retaliation could have been stopped after the withdrawal by the Georgian military from Ossetia and the request for ceasefire. The continuation of the attack, the fact that it has spread to Tbilisi and refusal to accept the ceasefire, indicate that Russia is using Georgia and Ossetia to react to America and its expansion in the region; a reaction which is understandable for America, Europe and the Zionist regime and they have implicitly referred to it.

‘6. Bearing in mind the above-mentioned points, the recent war can also be considered as Russia’s response to “America’s missile shield plan in Europe”; a plan which met with intense and repeated opposition from Russia, so much so that last month, Russia had spoken of a missile confrontation with the afore-mentioned plan.

‘7. And finally, all the existing facts and evidence strengthen the possibility that Russia is pursuing fundamental changes in its strategy and intends to put an end to polar presence on this scene.’

Keyhan obviously thinks that things are looking up for the Islamic Republic, and that there is no need to even consider appeasing US imperialism.