With Dick’s Promotion The Capitalist State Shows It Is The Boss


COMMANDER Cressida Dick is to become a deputy assistant commissioner, the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) announced on Tuesday.

On July 22 2005 Dick was in charge of the ‘tactical delivery’ of an anti-terrorist operation, in the wake of the failed July 21 2005 bombings, under the overall command of Gold Commander John McDowell.

Her job on that day was to deliver the execution of a terrorist. On July 22 2005 anti-terrorist police gunmen were guided to their target by a team in her charge.

The police killers in fact let loose on a completely innocent man. They followed him into Stockwell tube station, down onto the platform and onto the train, where a police officer held him in his seat, while another fired 11 shots at least seven of which hit Jean Charles de Menezes in the head.

It was a straightforward case of murder.

When it became evident that an innocent man had been killed, the police told lies about what he had been wearing and doing, lies which were retailed to the public by the head of the Metropolitan Police, Commander Ian Blair.

Blair also sought to prevent the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) from carrying out an investigation into what had happened, while police notebooks were not used properly, and film from the video cameras covering Stockwell Tube Station disappeared.

These developments put enormous pressure onto Met Chief Blair to resign, and it was assumed that Cressida Dick would either face criminal charges or be sacked when she was interviewed under caution.

It was Ian Blair, a political policeman, who conducted the national campaign for MPs to give the police the right to hold suspects for 90 days before they had to charge them or free them.

Once Ian Blair was forced to make the admission that a completely innocent man had been killed by the police, he justified the state murder with the line that the officers were completely right, since when the police thought that a terrorist was about to ignite a bomb, they had to shoot the suspect in the head. He said: ‘It wasn’t just a random event. . . Somebody else could be shot. Everything is done to make it right but this is a terrifying set of circumstances for individuals to make decisions in.’

He added that the policy had been ‘reviewed and reviewed, but this is not a Metropolitan Police policy, it’s a national policy and we are quite comfortable the policy is right.’ He stressed: ‘The only way to deal with this is to shoot to the head.’

The News Line of July 26 2005 said: ‘This decision to continue with the policy amounts to encouragement to murder. Nevertheless, Police Chief Blair remains comfortable with the policy, as do Home Secretary Clarke, Foreign Secretary Straw and Prime Minister Blair.

‘It is obvious that there will be no state prosecutions of the police gang that carried out the killing of the young Brazilian. They are to have immunity from prosecution.

Neither will the architects of this policy in the state and the government face trial, despite the fact that on Sunday, Police Commissioner Blair took responsibility for the killing of the young Brazilian.’

This is exactly what happened. Police Chief Blair was allowed to go on his holidays before he gave secret evidence to the IPCC. Since then the IPCC report into the murder has been published, but the family has not been allowed to see it. The inquest into the murder of Jean Charles has just been postponed and a trial is to be held of the office of the Metropolitan Police for breaches of Health and Safety law.

What a cover-up. The two Blairs and Dick have got off scot free, with Dick being promoted. The capitalist state has just demonstrated that it is in charge and the more the government founders the more it will take control. There is only one solution to this display of ruling class state power, and that is a socialist revolution to smash the capitalist state to go forward to socialism in Britain.