Hattersley condemns ‘invasion of Labour’ by Corbyn’s ‘Revolutionary Guard’

Young students campaigning against massive tuition fees – dubbed ‘Corbyn’s Revolutionary Guard’ by right-winger Hattersley
Young students campaigning against massive tuition fees – dubbed ‘Corbyn’s Revolutionary Guard’ by right-winger Hattersley

‘THE LABOUR Party faces the greatest crisis in its history,’ claims former deputy Labour leader Roy Hattersley.

‘Momentum – a party within the party which is dedicated to moving Labour to the far left of the political spectrum – is on the point of winning control of Labour’s policy, programme and constitution.’

In a column in yesterday’s Observer, he adds: ‘The shift to the left will begin with a revision of Labour rules and continue with the replacement of moderate MPs and councillors with Momentum nominees.

‘The threat to Labour’s future is real and obvious. Yet, not one of those who resigned from the shadow cabinet in protest against Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, has publicly condemned what amounts to a takeover. In almost every constituency Labour Party, there are men and women who stand ready to challenge the subversion. . . .

‘Thirty years ago, moderates won the battle against Militant by taking the campaign to the country and demonstrating that genuine democratic socialism was worth fighting for. Now Momentum is winning by default. . .

‘The doctrine “no enemies to the left” is a prescription for Labour’s transformation into a different party. What amounts to an invasion should have been resisted from the moment that Jeremy Corbyn signalled that what was once called infiltration had become recruitment.

‘And there is the more immediate problem of the next general election. Labour cannot win while it is associated with extremism. If the extremists begin to deselect moderate MPs, others – who are, or believe themselves to be, under threat – will split the party and keep Labour out of office for a generation.

‘I want Labour to form the next government but Jeremy Corbyn reduces the chance of victory by welcoming, as bona fide party members, politically disreputable opportunists. . . The cull of councillors has already begun. The assault is most violent in the London boroughs in which Momentum thrives. Last month, it moved through Haringey, ward by ward, claiming to be Corbyn’s revolutionary guard – although his leadership is no longer in question – and pretending that it stands for democracy when it really seeks Labour’s domination by a narrow clique,’ Hattersley rants.