Monstrous Greek Betrayal!

Part of Sunday night’s rally against austerity in front of the Vouli
Part of Sunday night’s rally against austerity in front of the Vouli

EARLIER on Monday the Greek Prime Minister and SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) leader Alexis Tsipras fully submitted to the Eurozone leaders’ diktats to impose what is widely called a ‘monstrous’ austerity agreement which would transform Greece into a EU protectorate.

Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos, the leader of right-wing nationalists ANEL the junior partner in the Greek coalition government, said: ‘They want to crush us – no more!’

Tsipras has played the role of a Trojan Horse to dictatorially crush the working class. The news of the Eurozone leaders’ demands and of Tsipras’ surrender have produced an enormous reaction in Greece.

SYRIZA’s trade union faction META has come out against the agreement and the SYRIZA Athens radio station Kokkino has been flooded by messages against the agreement and the EE.

On Sunday night some 2,500, mostly young people, held an anti-austerity and anti-EE rally in front of the Vouli (Greek parliament). Neither SYRIZA nor the KKE (Greek Communist Party) participated.

The public workers’ federation ADEDY called a conference of trade unions for Monday morning to discuss ‘preparations for strike mobilisation to overthrow the austerity policies’.

A Revolutionary Marxist League (RML) leaflet stated that ‘there can be only one answer to EE dictatorship and Tsipras’ treachery and that is an indefinite political general strike to get rid of austerity accords and the SYRIZA-ANEL government, write-off the debt and nationalise the banks and big business’.