WRP campaign steps up a gear

WRP Manchester Central parliamentary candidate (right) with his team making every minute count in the last days of the campaign
WRP Manchester Central parliamentary candidate (right) with his team making every minute count in the last days of the campaign

THE campaign for Jonty Leff, the WRP candidate for Manchester Central, has stepped up a gear on the eve of Thursday’s general election.

While canvassing the Newton Heath area of Manchester we called on Antonina Turner who said she would definitely vote WRP, she told News Line: ‘Labour has let us down beyond belief.

‘It was the Labour government that closed down the special schools.

‘My son Robert is autistic and he was doing really well in his special school. They shut the special schools down five or six years ago and when they sent him to a comprehensive, the school teachers did not know how to deal with him and branded him a ‘naughty child’.

‘Now he is out of school altogether and the council does not care. My son has not been to school for a whole year!

‘I would not vote for any of the three parties because none of them have helped my boy in any way. Robert is not the only one in this situation there are hundreds and hundreds just like him.

‘I am going to vote for Jonty Leff because everything that is in the election communication I agree with.

‘I got the election leaflet through the post, and now that the WRP have bothered to come to my door both me and my husband will be voting WRP.’

While canvassing door to door in Hume, YS member Shantell Vernon said: ‘I have joined the campaign to get votes for the WRP candidate Jonty Leff because I agree with what the WRP stands for.

‘Education must be free for everyone and young people should have the right opportunities to get a good job regardless of their past.

‘The war in Iraq and Afghanistan is a waste of time, money and lives and all that money could have been spent on something more useful.

‘The big parties – Labour, Liberal and Tory – are just trying to sort themselves out and they are not thinking about other people.

‘As young people we demand jobs and also we want social centres and youth clubs.’

Manchester hotel worker Angela Morris said: ‘I support the campaign for the Workers Revolutionary Party in the general election because young people in this area need a lot of support.

‘They are just wandering the streets with nothing to do and no jobs.

‘They need a club in this area that the young people can go to in the evening to occupy their time.

‘I seasoned up all the jerk chicken for the 5-a-side football put on by the Young Socialists because I think that it is great that activities are being organised by the YS.

‘We are the most important part of society because it is we that do all of the hard work.

‘The big businesses sit down and collect the profits.

‘I want Socialism so that we can change our future!’