Data bases and electronic spying won’t save the bourgeoisie


THE inventor of the genetic technology behind the national DNA database has said that the database’s unlimited expansion to include millions of people who have never been found guilty of any crime, or have not even been charged with committing a crime, has left him shocked.

At present the data base holds over 4.5 million DNA profiles.

This practice has even been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights, who concluded that developing such a data base was incompatible with a ‘democratic society’.

Sir Alec Jeffrey said yesterday that his concern was ‘the way the data base is now being populated by increasingly innocent people – and getting hard numbers on this is difficult.

‘I’ve seen figures as high as 800,000 entirely innocent people on that data base.’

Sir Alec said he agreed that ‘There’s a real risk of stigmatisation, particularly ethnic minorities are being over-represented, along with juveniles.’

The ambition of the Brown government is clearly to have every single inhabitant of the UK registered on the data base, so that everyone is branded as a potential criminal, is guilty until they can prove their innocence, and is even open to being fitted up by the police.

Britain today is in a similar position to that of Tsarist Russia.

At the start of the 20th century Russia was one of the most backward countries in the world.

Capitalism and a modern factory system was only just developing, along with a working class. The Tsar and his family ruled as autocrats, with no parliament, a royal decree being the preferred method of announcing new laws.

Russia was gripped by backwardness save in one respect, the colossal amount of money that was spent on continually modernising and training secret policemen of all kinds.

In this it was the most modern and sophisticated throughout the whole of Europe. its ruling class was terrified of the people.

The First World War destroyed old Russia. It unleashed such a revolutionary wave that it destroyed Tsarism and overwhelmed all of its security forces in February 1917, and created the conditions where the Bolshevik Party was able to lead the working class and the majority of the peasantry to overthrow the provisional government in November 1917, and lead the revolution into carrying out socialist measures.

In Britain today you have a ruling class that is fearful of its own shadow. It has millions of CCTV cameras, large numbers of data bases and many different kinds of electronic monitoring of the entire population.

As well as electronic spies on its own people, it now has riot police, backed up by secret apparatuses that were developed against the insurgency in the north of Ireland, a combination of double agents, and provocateurs, and police death squads, who can never be found guilty of any offence, as the de Menezes and Harry Stanley cases prove.

For the bourgeoisie the entire mass of the people is the enemy.

And they are correct, since Britain is so top heavy with 90 per cent of the population being wage workers – many of whom are about to lose their jobs or have already lost them.

As Lenin says in Left Wing Communism, quoting Lloyd George: ‘This country is more top heavy than any country in the world, and if it begins to rock, the crash here, for that reason, will be greater than in any land.’

This country has already begun to rock, and the crash and landslide to the left is on the way.

This is what the bourgeoisie is terrified of. This is what Marxists must prepare for by building the WRP as rapidly as is possible, so as to be able to make the worst nightmare of the bourgeoisie come true, through organising the working class to take the power.