Victory to Syria – US and UK imperialism out of the Middle East!


‘THE hope that the ceasefire in Syria will be reinstated is very little now,’ Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov admitted on Tuesday.

‘We are expressing serious concerns here,’ Peskov said, commenting about the offensive launched by the Jabhat al-Nusra in Aleppo on Monday. The group had apparently ‘used the ceasefire to fill their arsenals of ammunition and for regrouping,’ he added. Did he really expect anything else!

Peskov said the conditions for renewing the ceasefire in Syria are very simple: ‘There is the need to stop firing, there is the need for the terrorists to stop attacking Syria’s armed forces.’

As Peskov was speaking, the Nusrah Front and its ‘moderate’ allies were launching a massive offensive in Aleppo, following on from the US-UK, Australian air attack on Syrian troops at Dayr al Zahr, where the Syrian army were engaging ISIS forces, and where the allied force, guided by a British drone, chose to come to the rescue of ISIS and kill between 62 and 80 Syrian solders.

Their intervention led to ISIS taking the position – the imperialists were acting in support of ISIS. The Syrian army retook the position after the ‘allies’ were warned off by Russia. There was, in fact, never any general ceasefire – it was limited to the Syrian army.

The Al Nusra Front and its ‘moderate’ allies and their western and Saudi backers used the Syrian army ceasefire to prepare a major offensive in Aleppo. Their forces were not short of food, bullets, artillery tanks or chlorine poison gas – they were excellently equipped for the offensive, while the people of Aleppo starved and continued to suffer.

The fact is that the US’ Islamist allies ignored the ceasefire, from its first minute, while the US imperialists, being split over the issue, were therefore unable to impose their control over their Islamist puppet forces, despite the billions in aid that they have expended on them.

They also could not stop the Turks entering northern Syria and killing the US’ Kurdish allies – in fact the mighty US had to swap sides and support the Turks, leaving the Kurds in the lurch – this did not save them from being run out of the area by the ungrateful Islamists – oh how the mighty US has fallen.

The truth is that the imperialist powers are on the wane – the world is no longer their oyster. At home they face a working class in the US, France and the UK that has had enough of the destruction of its living standards and is now beginning to hit back – Brexit was only the first blow in this historic rise of working class anger and the revolution that it poses, as the street fighting in France over the attempts to impose new anti-union laws on the working class testifies!

Abroad they face the Syrian people, the masses of Africa, north and south, and Asia who have had enough of super-exploitation and imperialism and are rising up, from Johannesburg to Damascus and to Jerusalem, the Palestinian capital.

In fact, all of the major imperialist powers, including the US and the UK, are in a desperate crisis at home. They are terrified that capitalism is facing another massive crash, bigger than in 2007-10 and that this time the working class will not allow itself to be looted and plundered to keep the bankers going, but will rise up to put an end to capitalism and imperialism.

The time has come for a grand alliance, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution, between the working class of the west and the oppressed workers and people of Africa, Asia and the East to put an end to capitalism and imperialism by completing the worldwide socialist revolution to go forward to a society where production is planned to satisfy people’s needs, not to make super-profits for the already super-rich.

This is the struggle that was begun in 1917 with the Russian revolution and will be completed in the revolutionary period ahead. Workers in the US and the UK must rally to the support of the Syrian people in their millions. In the UK the trade unions and the TUC must be made to call a general strike to bring all UK troops back to the UK and to put the architects of the murderous attack on the Syrian army on trial!

Above all we must build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country to lead the world socialist revolution to its victory.