Brent teachers strike against Academy


BRENT teachers in the ATL and NUT unions are on strike today demanding ‘No Academy at St Andrew and St Francis school!’

The teachers are on the picket lines from 8.30am this morning. There is further action planned for next week.

In a statement to parents, the teachers who are ATL and NUT members said: ‘We are concerned about the future of the school and the harm that becoming an academy could cause your children’s education.

‘We have voted unanimously to take strike action. GMB and Unison unions are also against the school becoming an Academy.

‘They are considering what they can do to support. Strike action is very much the last resort, and the teachers don’t want your children to miss school and do appreciate the difficulties this may pose for you. But they believe that they must consider the future of the school and your children’s best interests.’

Under the head line: ‘ONE VICTORY ALREADY’ the teachers continue: ‘Following pressure from parents, staff and unions the proposed date of conversion has been put back to June 1st.

‘However, they still say they want an Academy. The “consultation” was a disgrace. Parents were not given both sides of the argument so they could make an informed choice. Even John Galligan, Chair of the IEB, said, “Everyone should hear both sides”.

‘We demand they conduct an independently overseen secret ballot of parents and staff and that they include an elected staff and parent representative on the IEB.

‘Staff and Unions hope as many parents as possible will join us (you can bring your children) at the protest outside the school from 8.30 in the morning this Wednesday. Bring your placards!’

Last Wednesday 4th March a packed-out public meeting in St Andrew’s Church Hall unanimously agreed that St Andrew and St Francis is providing a good education for its pupils as it is, and that they were opposed to the school becoming an Academy.