Tag: worker
Trade unions must act to defend workers’ standard of living
THE Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King has proclaimed that the crisis of capitalism means huge ongoing cuts in the standard of...
Ruling Class Snob Attacks Builders
CONSTRUCTION union UCATT, has reacted with fury after their memorial to construction workers killed in the building of London was criticised on The...
Labour terrorism against the unemployed
UNEMPLOYED council and housing association tenants must be made to sign a new tenancy agreement under which they will agree to have their skill...
Brown in partnership with McDonalds is going to bring in forced...
TRUE to form, Brown the bankers’ prime minister, opened his speech on apprentices yesterday by hailing the employers saying: ‘I am delighted to join...
Step Up The Struggle To Keep Chase Farm Open!
TUESDAY’S mass picket of Chase Farm Hospital heard that the decision to close the hospital’s A&E, Maternity and Paediatric Departments has been ‘put on...
Chase Farm Closure ‘On Hold’
THE 10th picket by the North East London Council of Action outside Chase Farm Hospital yesterday heard that the closure of the hospital has...
END GAZA SIEGE! – demands 400-strong Downing Street vigil
‘Free, Free Palestine! Palestine will be free from the river to the sea!’ shouted demonstrators at a 400-strong picket and vigil opposite Downing Street...
Greek Workers Stage Biggest Ever General Strike
Greek workers staged last Wednesday the biggest general strike in history against the proposed ‘reforms’ on pensions planned by the right-wing government of prime...
OCCUPY TO STOP A&E CLOSURE – demands Chase Farm mass picket
Haringey, Barnet and Enfield Primary Care Trusts agreed yesterday that Option One will be carried out in relation to Chase Farm Hospital – that...
Factory Price Inflation Spurs Jobs Crisis!
Price inflation of goods leaving UK factories reached its highest rate in 16 years, driven higher by petrol and food costs, official figures published...
THIS is the period of world revolution. That was the message delivered to the News Line Anniversary Rally attended by 200 youth and workers in...
‘We’re getting ready for revolution in Britain as part of the world socialist revolution.’ That was the message delivered by workers revolutionary Party General Secretary,...
Safety Report A Wake-Up Call For Grupo Mexico
THE United Steelworkers (USW) last Tuesday said a new report conducted by a group of independent health and safety experts should serve as a...
Support Chagos Islanders’ right to return!
TODAY’S picket of 10 Downing Street by the Chagos Islanders and their supporters is a vital one. They are demanding that the Prime Minister, Gordon...
GATE GOURMET IS FACING HUGE FINE – lawyers plead it had...
GATE GOURMET has admitted at a Reading employment tribunal, hearing eight of the remaining 70 cases, that it wrongfully dismissed the eight at...
More and more repression in Brown’s Queen’s Speech
THE Queen’s Speech yesterday outlined yet more attacks in the coming parliament on workers and youth in Britain by the Brown government, alongside a...
KICK OUT THE PRIVATEERS! say NHS Together marchers
FIFTEEN thousand health workers and trade unionists from schools, local councils and other public services – as well as local residents fighting hospital closures...
PCS Members Call For National Action Against Privatisation
FULL-TIME civil service union officer Andrew Lloyd has issued a response to Permanent Secretary David Bell over the compulsory transfer of support staff to...
KEEP CHASE FARM OPEN – No to polyclinic, urges picket
PASSING cars tooted their horns, as campaigners shouted ‘No polyclinics – save our hospitals’ outside Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield yesterday. The north-east London Council...
Vote For Strike Action Urges Prentis
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis is urging a big ‘yes’ vote for strike action by its local government worker members in the ballot over...
Reinstate The Strikes!
THERE is no deal so reinstate the strikes, frustrated Communication Workers Union (CWU) branch officials said yesterday. This came as yet another day of talks...
Gate Gourmet Has To Win For The Whole Working Class
MORE than 400 youth and trade unionists showed their solidarity with the Gate Gourmet sacked workers at a second anniversary benefit rally in Southall...
REJECT THE DEAL! – CWU rep urges at Gate Gourmet anniversary...
‘Reject this agreement and carry on with the industrial action,’ Billy Colvill, CWU rep from south east London, yesterday urged the union’s postal executive,...
THERE is widespread opposition amongst members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) trade union in America to the deal its leaders agreed to call...
Brown Threatens Royal Mail Funding!
AT THE CWU rally at Central Hall yesterday afternoon, CWU leader Billy Hayes presented a successful outcome of the postal workers struggle as relying...
Bush Vetoes Child Healthcare Extension
US President George W Bush on Wednesday vetoed a bill to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Programme (SCHIP), after it was passed with...
Prentis And Woodley Praise Brown
In a nationalistic speech to the Labour Party Conference yesterday, prime minister Brown made sweeping promises to improve public services. Hardly mentioning the world capitalist...
Brown guarantees the banks while he cuts workers wages
THE Brown government has not just guaranteed all of the Northern Rock bank deposits, it has also underwritten its so called ‘commercial paper’, that...
THREE veteran leaders of the UAW have sent an open letter to Ron Gettelfinger and the UAW leadership expressing their concern that the leadership...
‘We Can’t Allow Another Gate Gourmet To Happen’
Delegates to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday afternoon demanded a campaign to restore the right to take solidarity strike action. This followed prime...
Delegates At Tuc Congress Support Gate Gourmet Workers
DELEGATES attending the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday spoke out strongly in support of the Gate Gourmet sacked workers, and the postal workers. This was...
BROWN PLAYS CHINA CARD – as delegates warn they will strike...
GORDON Brown gave his first speech as prime minister to the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. He told delegates: ‘All of us must prepare for...
TUC REPORTS ‘SYSTEMATIC EXPLOITATION’ – of Polish and Lithuanian migrants
A NEW TUC study just published has revealed ‘systematic exploitation’ of migrant workers in Britain. The TUC said: ‘Thousands of Polish and Lithuanian workers are...
Factory Blast Probe Condemns ‘Dangerous And Dysfunctional’ Safety Culture
An independent report into the ICL Glasgow plastics factory fire disaster in which nine workers died in May 2004 has exposed a health and...
Brown lambasts Tube strikers and public sector workers
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown mounted an outspoken attack on members of the RMT railworkers’ union on strike at the London Underground bankrupt maintenance company...
‘There’s a resurgence afoot in the American labour movement,’ said Anna Burger, Secretary-Treasurer, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in an article titled Celebrating Workers...
Bush’s and Bernanke’s policies cannot stop the debt debacle
IN A WEEK when billions were wiped off share prices in New York, Tokyo and London, on Friday both United States President George Bush...
ILLEGAL STRIKE! – POA takes Labour by surprise
Prison Officers Association (POA) members defied the government yesterday and walked out for the first illegal strike against Labour over public sector...
Politics And Passion At Edinburgh Film Festival
Edinburgh International Film Festival is the world’s longest running film festival, showcasing the latest and best of world cinema, with something for everyone. This...
US Collapse Shocks Afl-Cio Leaders
‘One day after George W Bush asserted that the ‘fundamentals’ of the US economy are strong, the Dow Jones stock index plummeted by 387,...
Cwu Members Oppose Secret Talks!
Communication Workers Union members have been telling News Line what they think of the ending of their strike actions in order to...
A Plague Of Locusts
ONCE again the spotlight has been put on the private equity locusts. This time a Financial Times investigation has shown how TPG, CVS and...
NHS PAY OFFER – Looks to divide and rule
‘I will be recommending members reject the new pay offer,’ UNISON Oxfordshire health branch chairman Mark Ladbrooke told News Line yesterday. He was commenting on...
Tuc Appeals To The Government For Jobs, Wages And Basic Rights
The TUC preliminary agenda covers the mounting concerns of workers over jobs, wages and conditions, public services and basic rights. The agenda opens...
Cwu Leaders Must Call Indefinite Strike Action
HALF WAY through the CWU’s two weeks of rolling strike action it is perfectly clear that well over 90 per cent of the CWU’s...