Tag: unemployment
News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference – Forward To A Workers...
‘IT is very clear that the collapse of the capitalist system has collapsed New Labour, that is the modern Labour Party’, News...
Henley New Labour Disaster – Less Votes Than The Bnp!
LABOUR’s fifth place at Henley, shamefully behind the fascist BNP, will go down in history as an example of a party being thrust into...
US Unions Gear Up To Elect Obama Into The White House
THE US trade unions are gearing up for the battle to get Barack Obama elected as the president of the United States, believing that...
£400 Energy Rise On Way!
HUGE hikes in gas and electricity bills are coming this year, the energy privateers flagrantly announced yesterday. ‘Big Six’ energy bosses told MPs on the...
Brown to rescue banks by slashing wages and jobs!
CHANCELLOR Darling has followed up his appearance before the bankers at the Mansion House on Wednesday night, where he pledged that wage rises would...
Come to the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance conference
ON Saturday June 29, the News Line daily newspaper will be having a joint conference with the All Trades Unions Alliance, the body that...
250,000 IN NEGATIVE EQUITY! – as Ryanair announce 10% fleet cut
CITIGROUP bank has warned the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) against upping interest rates when it meets this week. It noted that already...
Crisis Hitting Jobs
Unemployment is set to increase sharply this year, economists have warned, after a Bank of England report showed more firms were looking to axe...
SOUTH AFRICA: Legacy of the revolution betrayed
THE fighting in Johannesburg and its surrounding black townships, over the past week – with more than 23 people being killed, pitched battles with...
Brown Savages Sick And Poor
Prime minister Brown signalled more attacks on workers, the sick, unemployed and disabled people in his speech to MPs yesterday, outlining the government’s draft...
Siege Is Creating Starvation In Gaza
AN United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) spokesman, said yesterday that the UN organisation is stopping food supplies to the Gaza Strip...
OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘No better conditions could...
Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THE essay, ‘The Proletariat and the Revolution’, was published at the close of...
Imperialists keep out of Zimbabwe! Forward to a workers and small...
THE MUGABE regime has been beaten in the polls by the trade union backed Movement for Democratic Change and is now considering its options...
Class issues in Zimbabwe’s elections
AS IS to be expected the imperialists, with Britain in the lead, are engaging in an economic blockade, black propaganda, etc to get rid...
MILITARY OUT OF SCHOOLS! – says the NUT conference
THE National Union of Teachers Conference in Manchester yesterday voted overwhelmingly to oppose military recruitment activities in schools. Motion 48 on War, accused the Ministry...
80,000 Civil Servants Out!
Up to 80,000 members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), working for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), today begin a...
Labour Mounts Attack On Disabled
Disability charities yesterday expressed concerns over Labour’s plans to introduce harsh work tests and force almost two million people off incapacity benefit. In his Budget...
Bankrupt Budget!
In his first budget, Chancellor Darling hit the working class and middle class with big hikes in alcohol, tobacco and vehicle taxes while giving...
Banking disaster overshadows Brown-Darling budget
BLACKSTONE, the world’s biggest private equity capitalist raider, has reported a collapse in its profits in the last three months...
PCS CONDEMNS JOBS MASSACRE – while Purnell turns bounty hunters onto...
The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) condemned yesterday’s announcement that Labour will slash a further 12,000 jobs and close an additional...
Labour Attacks Youth, Workers, Sick And Immigrants
Yesterday the government launched major attacks on workers and immigrants. Ministers announced plans to strip unemployed people of their benefits, force long term sick and...
It’s a Labour heaven for bankers but a hell for workers,...
THE class message of the Labour government is clear. It is that if you’re a banker, you can do no wrong and are...
Labour terrorism against the unemployed
UNEMPLOYED council and housing association tenants must be made to sign a new tenancy agreement under which they will agree to have their skill...
Brown in partnership with McDonalds is going to bring in forced...
TRUE to form, Brown the bankers’ prime minister, opened his speech on apprentices yesterday by hailing the employers saying: ‘I am delighted to join...
BROWN PLANS FORCED LABOUR – condemns TUC call for £110 a...
‘WE’RE opposed to workfare, our position has not changed on that,’ a TUC spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding to speeches by Prime...
THE Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah issued a strong warning to Israel in his Ashura Day address in Beirut, last Saturday. Speaking on this...
NPOWER HUGE PRICE RISES – gas up 12.7% – electricity up...
Britain’s fourth largest supplier of gas and electricity, Npower, yesterday announced huge new energy price hikes for its four million domestic customers. The average increases...
260 DEAD IN KENYAN FIGHTING – after Presidential election rigged
As the death toll rose to 260, EU monitors yesterday cast doubts on the results of Kenya’s disputed presidential vote. This stepped up the pressure...
80,000 civil servants strike today!
JOBCENTRES, benefits offices, the Pension Service and Child Support Agency (CSA) will be hit today as up to 80,000 members of the Public and...
Brown Speaks To His Cbi Constituency
YESTERDAY Gordon Brown attempted to revive his political credibility, severely damaged after the Northern Rock and Child Benefit details crises by delivering a speech...
Pentagon launches Africa command centre
AS PAY negotiations between the American car giants General Motors (GM) and Ford, and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a critical point,...
Reports that another large employer has labelled the Howard government’s Industrial Relations laws as ‘farcical’ and ‘pointless’ is further evidence that the government’s IR...
THREE veteran leaders of the UAW have sent an open letter to Ron Gettelfinger and the UAW leadership expressing their concern that the leadership...
BROWN PLAYS CHINA CARD – as delegates warn they will strike...
GORDON Brown gave his first speech as prime minister to the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. He told delegates: ‘All of us must prepare for...
General Motors & Ford threaten to stop production in US
AS PAY negotiations between the American car giants General Motors (GM) and Ford, and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a critical point,...
US Collapse Shocks Afl-Cio Leaders
‘One day after George W Bush asserted that the ‘fundamentals’ of the US economy are strong, the Dow Jones stock index plummeted by 387,...
Don’t raise rates Chambers of Commerce warns B of E
ON the eve of the Bank of England’s monthly Monetary Policy Committee meeting over the Bank’s interest rate, the British Chambers of Commerce has...
Haniya Meets Euro-Med Human Rights Commission
PALESTINIAN Prime Minister, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya met a delegation from the Euro-Med Human Rights Committee at his office in Gaza last Saturday....
DOCTORS CRISIS – 13,700 face the axe
Patient safety and the future career prospects of many thousands of junior doctors could be further jeopardised within the next two weeks, warned the...
Overseas Trained Teachers Face Unemployment
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) will be lobbying the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DfCSF) on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 to publicise...
NHS JOBLESS GROWS – as Department of health sees no crisis
THREE-QUARTERS of newly-qualified nurses are unable to find jobs because trusts are freezing recruitment, the RCN (Royal College of Nursing) said yesterday. The (RCM) Royal...
Carey calls to ‘defend Britain’s Christian identity’
IN a call that will be enthusiastically taken up by the BNP, which champions Christian civilisation, the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, Carey has urged the...
Labour deputy leader contender Jon Cruddas is leading a private members debate in Westminster Hall at the House of Commons, on, ‘Regularisation of Migrant...
Nationalise Land Rover and Jaguar to defend wages and jobs
THE Alchemy Partners gang of asset-strippers have got Land Rover and Jaguar in their sights, now that cash-strapped Ford is ready to sell off...
FINANCIAL CRASH! – bankers warning over ‘risky loans’
Risky loans are leading to a financial crash, leading bankers warned yesterday. William Rhodes, senior vice chairman of Citigroup warned: ‘Lenders all too often, are...