Tag: unemployment
OBAMA’S ‘CHANGE’ IS NOT REAL – warn Iranian clerics
AN IRANIAN cleric has criticised the letter written by the country’s president, Mahmud Ahmadinezhad, to the newly-elected American president, Barack Obama. ‘It appears that our...
Take action to defend jobs. Occupy and organise a general strike!
FACED with the crash of the pound and the enormous 182,000 leap in the number of unemployed in the three months to October, the...
MERVYN KING, the Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), said on Wednesday that Britain was already in a recession. He added that he expected...
The GMB understands the need for redundancies
JCB has announced 400 more redundancies, blaming a ‘significant’ reduction in incoming orders. The redundancies are made up of 297 shop floor jobs and 101...
Defend Milton Keynes Mail Centre!
Hundreds of postal workers and their families are today joining the business community, politicians and members of the public in a march through Bletchley,...
‘The newly unemployed face a bigger cut in their living standards in this recession than those who lost their jobs under the previous government’,...
Nationalise the major industries to defend jobs
GERMANY, the world’s biggest exporter of commodities, and the strong man of the EU, has begun to slump with government figures showing that its...
The Bank of England governor Mervyn King yesterday admitted that the UK entered a recession in the middle of 2008. Stunned by the...
1.82 MILLION OUT OF WORK – while Brown fawns on the...
Official figures out yesterday showed that UK unemployment has hit an 11-year high, with the number of people out of work in the three...
Labour May End Secure Tenancies – Attack On Council Housing Condemned...
CONSTRUCTION union UCATT has labelled proposals by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), to end secure tenancies and all other current council tenancies in...
British Military Opposes Any Petraeus Surge In Afghanistan
GENERAL Petraeus is now the commander of all NATO forces in Afghanistan, and has declared that he intends to organise a NATO ‘surge’ in...
HUGE US UNEMPLOYMENT RISE – as Obama meets his advisors
US president-elect Barack Obama discussed the financial crisis and other big problems with world leaders yesterday. He spoke by telephone with the...
RESTORE WORKERS LIVING STANDARDS – demand US trade unions after Obama’s...
THE American trade unions, who invested heavily in Barack Obama’s election campaign, have called on the newly-elected US president to give a voice to...
Obama selects his bourgeois team to save US capitalism
BARACK OBAMA has just been elected by an explosion of popular support and anger that has united the working class and brought the majority...
‘KEEP YOUR PROMISES’ – US unions tell Obama
American trade unions who campaigned for Barack Obama’s landslide election victory, yesterday told the new US president to keep his promises to working families. Service...
Brown Loves Bankers But Attacks Single Parents
AT the same time as the Brown government continues to spend hundreds of billions to ‘preserve’ the bankers and the capitalist system, his government...
‘Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is like a poster girl promoting migration of Filipinos in the name of dollar remittances, at the expense of the poor’, the...
Labour launches army provocation in the north
THE ‘Home Coming’ British Army ‘welcome home’ parade being mounted in the centre of Belfast this Sunday, in which a number of British army...
CUTS FOR THE DISABLED AND THE JOBLESS – but there’s billions...
PRIME Minister Gordon Brown yesterday pledged to a gathering of businessmen in London to ‘intensify’ the government’s attacks on the Welfare State, whilst continuing...
British Capitalism At The Centre Of The Capitalist Crisis
THE worldwide capitalist crisis drove the pound down on Friday into an unprecedented collapse. The pound slumped 9.6 US cents to $1.52 at...
Shares And £ Collapse
Share prices and the pound were battered yesterday after the publication of official figures showed that the UK economy shrank for...
The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!
THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...
SA hunger can only be ended by a socialist revolution
ONE in four South Africans are unemployed, and poverty is rife eighteen years after the release of Nelson Mandela and 14 years after he...
Greek Trotskyists Call For Indefinite General Strike
THE Greek working class delivered a most powerful notice to all concerned last Tuesday with a militant 24-hour general strike called by the GSEE...
Brown, Keynes and revolution
AFTER actively assisting in the creation of trillions of debt, and showing its contempt for the concept of value by selling almost half of...
THE one per cent economic crisis levy on the wages of every worker in the Irish Budget was described as ‘a crude instrument that...
HUGE JOBLESS RISE! – warning of 3 million unemployed
The number of unemployed people in the UK rose by another 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, according to the latest government...
To fight mass unemployment bring down Brown government
The number of UK unemployed rose by 164,000 between June and August, to 1.79 million, taking the official unemployment rate to 5.7% from...
No sackings, or wage ‘holidays’ for bankrupt banks and councils
YESTERDAY the Brown government was emphasising that it had no interest in running the three banks that it was ‘part-nationalising’ (rescuing) with £37bn of...
SCHOOL exams in Zimbabwe should be cancelled because strike action by teachers has left pupils unprepared, a teaching union said on Tuesday. ‘For the record,...
brown proposes to rob the workers to rescue the bankers
YESTERDAY saw the big international push get under way to try to rescue the bankers of the world from the crisis of their capitalist...
Brown brings back Mandelson to fight the trade unions
WITH the financial storm clouds starting to burst around him, Prime Minister Brown has established with his cabinet reshuffle that he means every word...
Brown, Cameron & Clegg unite to rescue bankrupt capitalism
THE manufacturing sector of the British economy shrank last month at the fastest rate for 17 years, that is since 1992, according to figures...
Capitalist collapse continues while Brown vows ‘to save the system’
YESTERDAY two major banks had to be nationalised to prevent a run on the UK and EU banking system. They were the Bradford and...
Renault Workers March Against Thousands Of Sackings
Angry, striking carworkers from Sandouville (Seine-Maritime) Renault plant demonstrated in the streets of Le Havre on Thursday, September 25. The French motor manufacturing giant recently...
BANKRUPT BROWN – No policies to deal with crisis
Prime Minister Brown yesterday revealed he has no policies to deal with the economic crisis in the interests of workers. In his keynote address to...
NO PRIVATISATION! – Postal workers march on LP conference
MORE than 800 postal workers from all parts of the country, from Plymouth to Scotland, marched on the Labour Party conference in Manchester yesterday...
MASSIVE JOBLESS RISE – greatest since 1992
Responding to yesterday’s unemployment figures, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘Today’s figures show that unemployment is starting to accelerate and it now...
Capitalist crash drives HBOS into the arms of Lloyds TSB
THE Federal Reserve Bank’s $85bn ‘rescue’ of AIG was carried out to stave off an immediate international financial and business collapse. It has turned...
Wall Street crashes. Capitalism goes over the brink!
LEHMAN Brothers and Merrill Lynch, two pillars of the capitalist world’s banking system, have gone. The first declared bankruptcy, after the US Federal Reserve...
Britain, Germany, Spain And The US Poised On The Brink Of...
THE European Commission stated yesterday that the UK, Germany and Spain, key members of the EU, with Germany being the world’s biggest exporter, are...
Defend jobs, pay & services: Lobby the TUC! Build councils of...
THE Bank of England (BoE) Monetary Policy Committee decided yesterday to make no change in its base interest rate and to leave it at...
THE HOUSING CRISIS: Nationalise construction companies and banks!
AVERAGE house prices in Britain are now 10.5 per cent lower than they were a year ago, according to figures published yesterday by Nationwide,...
‘The TUC leaders must act to defend jobs or make way for those who will,’ Dave Wiltshire, national secretary of the All Trades Union...
Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!
THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...