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We are gathering to ‘remember the dead and fight for the living’, RMT leader Pat Sikorski said at the rally at City Hall on...

Organise a general strike! Bring down Brown government! Go...

THE leaders of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), the University and College Union (UCU) and the...

de Menezes Report Delayed!

The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign has responded with anger at claims that the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) report into the Jean Charles’...

OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘History is a tremendous...

Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction 4. Preface to our round trip AT the Stockholm Convention of the Social-Democratic Party, some...

OUR REVOLUTION – BY LEON TROTSKY – ‘The revolutionary masses are...

Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THIS is an essay of triumph. Written on January 20, 1905,...

No To Three Years Of NHS Wage Cutting

NURSES and other NHS workers have been offered a three-year pay deal worth 8% by the government. NHS trade union leaders who are prepared...

Chagos IslandS Community Association

MEETING & FILM – Saturday March 15, 5pm @ International Student House, 229 Great Portland Street, W1 (next Great Portland St tube) speakers include: John...

End The Ppp On The London Underground

TUBE passengers and taxpayers remain exposed to an unacceptable level of financial risk and could face another ten-figure bill if the Tubelines consortium were...

Nationalise All The Banks To Bring In A Planned Socialist Economy!

THE Tory Party has been driven to the brink of hysteria by the fact that the capitalist world banking system is on the brink...

BROWN PLANS FORCED LABOUR – condemns TUC call for £110 a...

‘WE’RE opposed to workfare, our position has not changed on that,’ a TUC spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding to speeches by Prime...

Fire Service Cuts And Station Closures Threatening Public Safety

Humberside fire crews are warning that cuts and station closures will compromise public and firefighter safety. The warning came as local fire crews launch their...

RENATIONALISE THE RAIL – demands RMT rail union

Rail union RMT yesterday called for the renationalisation of the railways. A union statement said: ‘The post-Christmas chaos caused by major engineering overruns on the...

Greek Workers Stage Biggest Ever General Strike

Greek workers staged last Wednesday the biggest general strike in history against the proposed ‘reforms’ on pensions planned by the right-wing government of prime...

Greek General Strike Called For Next Wednesday

THE Greek right-wing government have intensified their ‘reforms programme’ as trade unions are preparing a general strike set for next Wednesday 12 December. Last...

News Line Anniversary Rally: Sunday December 2

The News Line Anniversary Rally takes place on Sunday December 2nd from 2-6pm at Skeel Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary university, Mile End, London E1 Nearest...

Brown Speaks To His Cbi Constituency

YESTERDAY Gordon Brown attempted to revive his political credibility, severely damaged after the Northern Rock and Child Benefit details crises by delivering a speech...

French Stalinists step in to help Sarkozy

OVER a million French civil servants went on strike yesterday, joining the hundreds of thousands of railworkers, busworkers and gas and electricity workers who...

France Paralysed!

France was brought to a halt yesterday as over a million state employees went on strike, joining a week-long stoppage by transport workers. Teachers,...


UP TO 3,000 workers and youth marched behind the banner of the North East London Council of Action through Enfield on Saturday, demanding that...

Stop Chase Farm Closure!

THE North East London Council of Action is organising a march through Enfield today starting from the war memorial at 1pm to Chase ...

Mass Strikes Bring Paris To A Halt

FRENCH Minister of Labour, Xavier Bertrand has told the striking rail unions that they must return to work before he will...

French workers press forward as Stalinists retreat

MASS meetings of rail and transport workers were voting in France yesterday to continue their strike actions in defence of pensions. The RATP...

French workers move to bring down Sarkozy regime!

YESTERDAY, the French railworkers’ trade unions began their indefinite strike action, to defeat the attempts of the Sarkozy regime to destroy their pension agreements,...

French Pensions Strike!

THE French transport workers’ strike against pension cuts yesterday caused huge stoppages on TGV fast rail routes, local train, metro and bus services. Only 90...

RISE UP! Imran Khan urges students

‘My whole thing is that the students must rise up today,’ said Pakistan opposition leader Imran Khan yesterday. Khan emerged to give a brief news...

POLICE MUST BE HELD TO ACCOUNT – insist de Menezes family

The family of Jean Charles de Menezes on Thursday demanded action be taken to hold individual police officers to account for the killing of...

Hold The Police To Account Demands de Menezes Family

THERE will always be doubts in the minds of Jean Charles de Menezes’ relatives about why there is no CCTV evidence of when armed...

KICK OUT THE PRIVATEERS! say NHS Together marchers

FIFTEEN thousand health workers and trade unionists from schools, local councils and other public services – as well as local residents fighting hospital closures...

Met Police Guilty In de Menezes Killing

THE Cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, Erionaldo da Silva said yesterday: ‘I have spoken to Jean Charles’ mother Maria, in Brazil and she...

WE WILL FIGHT WAGE CUTS IN 2008 say NHS unions –...

THE overstretched and undervalued NHS workforce will not accept another below-inflation pay deal next year, trade unions representing over one million health workers have...

French Rail Strike Action Continues

French transport unions yesterday extended their nationwide strike for another 24 hours, after bringing the train, bus and metro services to a halt on...

‘IT WAS MURDER’ – says De Menezes cousin

Metropolitan Police firearms officers were issued with special ‘instant kill’ bullets to use against innocent young Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes on 22 July...

170,000 Teachers Take One-Day Strike Action

By Sanath Rathnaweera COLOMBO – 170,000 out of Sri Lanka’s 200,000 teachers took part in a one day strike action on September 13th,...

CALL INDEFINITE POSTAL STRIKE – ‘Fight Royal Mail bullies’ say East...

Communication Workers Union (CWU) leaders were in talks again with Royal Mail bosses yesterday while thousands of postal workers were out on a second...

POSTAL WORKERS CONDEMN BROWN – and demand to call out the...

‘The phone call from Gordon Brown is not going to happen. That is why it is so important we step up the action and...

‘WE SHOULD ALL COME OUT!’ – Serwotka tellls CWU rally

‘We offer our full solidarity,’ civil servants’ union PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told a 500-strong rally of striking postal workers in central...

De Menezes murder not a crime says state

THE current farce that is being played out, of trying a police death squad under the health and safety laws, is not only a...

Safety Fears Halt Tube Lines!

EMERGENCY brake problems that led to the suspension of the Hammersmith and City, Circle and District lines were first raised on Tuesday, London Underground’s...

‘THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS CASUALISED’ – Woodley admits TUC responsibility

Delegates voted unanimously for Composite 3: ‘Agency Workers’ at the TUC Congress yesterday calling for ‘legislation to outlaw discrimination against agency workers’. It called on...

Build the WRP to deal with the TUC right wing

AT the Trades Union Congress in Brighton this week, delegates have given a relatively timid expression of the determination of millions of workers to...

‘We Can’t Allow Another Gate Gourmet To Happen’

Delegates to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday afternoon demanded a campaign to restore the right to take solidarity strike action. This followed prime...

WE ARE FIGHTING ON! – Teachers set up ‘tree houses’ in...

TEACHERS who have been occupying the site of a planned City Academy at Wembley Park Sports Ground, next to Wembley Stadium in north-west London,...

‘COORDINATE STRIKE ACTION’ – says PCS leader Serwotka

‘WE are now about to move to ballot 270,000 members for industrial action, unless the government withdraws its threat of compulsory redundancies.’ This is what...

Barber Opposes Boycott Of Israel

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber yesterday opposed a boycott of Israel and did not answer a question about why there were no motions to...

Brown lambasts Tube strikers and public sector workers

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown mounted an outspoken attack on members of the RMT railworkers’ union on strike at the London Underground bankrupt maintenance company...