Tag: postal workers
‘GET READY TO OCCUPY CHASE FARM’ – Enfield residents declare
‘We’ve had a lively picket today,’ North East London Council of Action secretary Bill Rogers told News Line outside Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield,...
Hospital doctors and GPs on Wednesday condemned health minister Lord Darzi’s plan for London as ‘a disaster waiting to happen’ whose effect on NHS...
Action Is Needed To Defend Royal Mail Jobs And Pensions
CWU members working in Royal Mail are facing the greatest threats to their jobs and conditions in the entire history of the postal service. With...
Cwu Crisis Conference!
THE Royal Mail’s pay, pension and bonuses award worth £3million for Chief Executive Adam Crozier was a major slap in the face for all...
Act To Stop The Privatisation Of Royal Mail!
ROYAL MAIL bosses, Chairman Allan Leighton and Chief Executive Adam Crozier, are calling on the Labour government to give the go-ahead for them to...
Take Action Against Post Privatisation!
The CWU postal workers union yesterday slammed a call from government appointed regulator Postcomm to privatise Royal Mail. CWU general secretary Billy Hayes said: ‘This...
Stop Royal Mail being thrown to the private equity wolves!
POSTCOMM, the postal regulator has called for the part privatisation of the Royal Mail, supposedly to safeguard the quality of the UK’s mail delivery...
KEEP OUR POST OFFICE OPEN! – demand angry Borough residents
MEMBERS of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have been joined by over 50 angry pensioners and other local residents in a demonstration against the...
CAPITALISM HAS TO GO! – say May Day marchers
‘Capitalism has had its day, it’s historically bankrupt. Now’s the time to bring it down and go forward to socialism.’ Workers Revolutionary Party General Secretary...
Leon Trotsky OUR REVOLUTION Essays on Working Class and International Revolution 1904-1917 Collected and Translated by MOISSAYE J OLGIN Introduction by MOISSAYE J OLGIN THIS is an essay of triumph. Written on January 20, 1905,...
One Day General Strike On April 24Th!
OVER 100,000 Members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), will be on strike at the same time as the NUT teachers and...
Indefinite united strike action needed by public sector workers
MEMBERS of the 270,000-strong National Union of Teachers (NUT), Britain’s largest teaching union are to take strike action on April 24 over pay. They...
Teachers Vote For National Strike
‘NUT members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the campaign to stop cuts in the real pay of teachers,’ Steve Sinnott, General Secretary of...
LAST Wednesday’s general strike in Greece, against the government’s reactionary Pensions Bill, marks a most critical turning point in the fast developing revolutionary situation....
Anger grows against Royal Mail’s pensions onslaught
ROYAL MAIL managers have overwhelmingly rejected changes to their pensions in a ballot. Their union, Unite, revealed yesterday that there was an 85-per-cent vote...
CWU leaders organise a consultative ballot !over pensions
TRUE to form the CWU leadership is declining to give any kind of leadership to its massive membership on the vital issue of the...
CWU WILL TAKE STRIKE ACTION – if Coventry Mail Centre is...
COVENTRY postal workers are preparing for strike action to defend their jobs and their mail centre, a leading CWU officer said yesterday. Royal Mail is...
Cwu Ready To Accept End Of Final Salary Pensions
‘We are unlikely to vote “Yes” unless Royal Mail changes its proposals’ to end final salary pensions, Communication Workers Union (CWU) London Regional Secretary...
‘We’re getting ready for revolution in Britain as part of the world socialist revolution.’ That was the message delivered by workers revolutionary Party General Secretary,...
French Stalinists step in to help Sarkozy
OVER a million French civil servants went on strike yesterday, joining the hundreds of thousands of railworkers, busworkers and gas and electricity workers who...
UP TO 3,000 workers and youth marched behind the banner of the North East London Council of Action through Enfield on Saturday, demanding that...
Cwu Members Determined To Defend Final Salary Pensions
THERE is uproar in the Communication Workers Union (CWU) over the Royal Mail drive to rip up members’ existing terms and conditions, and the...
Defend The NHS! Occupy To Stop Hospitals Closures! Call A General...
THE National Health Service is under attack on every side by the government. It is being crippled by funding cuts and privatisation reforms. The...
Royal Mail Deal Sell-Out!
‘IT’S A bad deal. I think it should be thrown out.’ That was the reaction of one delegate, Tam Dewar from Scotland, after a national...
POSTAL WORKERS fighting the Crozier/Leighton onslaught on their jobs will treat the ‘Final Agreement’, backed by the CWU executive on Monday by nine votes...
Throw out the deal – build a new leadership in the...
AFTER around eight or so weeks of secret negotiations – on-off-on talks – the CWU postal executive has capitulated to the Hayes Ward leadership,...
REJECT CWU SELL-OUT – call angry CWU members
THE CWU (Communications Workers Union) yesterday accepted the Royal Mail offer on pay along with plans to modernise the company and reform the...
End CWU paralysis – reinstate strike actions!
KARL MARX wrote in his masterpiece ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte’ that ‘Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur,...
Reinstate The Strikes!
THERE is no deal so reinstate the strikes, frustrated Communication Workers Union (CWU) branch officials said yesterday. This came as yet another day of talks...
Unions Must Fight Savage Bbc Job Cuts
THE BBC backed up by the Brown government is set to ride roughshod over its workforce pushing through 2,700 job cuts, with up...
‘The postal executive must reject the deal and carry on with the strike action,’ south east London Communication Workers Union (CWU) Rep. Billy Colvill...
Liverpool Stays Out – No To Imposed Flexibility
MORE than 800 Liverpool postal workers remain on strike today against the imposition of ‘flexibility’ by Royal Mail. The action continues while the CWU Executive...
Gate Gourmet Has To Win For The Whole Working Class
MORE than 400 youth and trade unionists showed their solidarity with the Gate Gourmet sacked workers at a second anniversary benefit rally in Southall...
REJECT THE DEAL! – CWU rep urges at Gate Gourmet anniversary...
‘Reject this agreement and carry on with the industrial action,’ Billy Colvill, CWU rep from south east London, yesterday urged the union’s postal executive,...
Reject postal sell-out deal!
THE reply of the leaders of the CWU postal workers union, Billy Hayes and Dave Ward, to the injunction obtained by the ruthless Royal...
‘WE WON’T LET YOU SELL OUR JOBS’ – civil servants tell...
OVER 200 civil servants gave a standing ovation to colleague Sheila Coote at a lunchtime rally in Westminster last Friday, as she vowed to...
CALL A GENERAL STRIKE! – as Royal Mail gets injunction...
POSTAL workers yesterday reacted furiously to news that Royal Mail had won an injunction at the High Court banning the next...
CALL INDEFINITE POSTAL STRIKE – ‘Fight Royal Mail bullies’ say East...
Communication Workers Union (CWU) leaders were in talks again with Royal Mail bosses yesterday while thousands of postal workers were out on a second...
PROVOCATION! – Management bullies force Royal Mail workers out
ROYAL Mail’s bullying management, backed to the hilt by the Brown government, yesterday sought to impose extreme flexibility onto the country’s postal workers, ...
Postal workers are standing up to management bullies
POSTAL workers in towns and cities all over the UK were forced out on unofficial strike yesterday morning when management sought to impose the...
10,000 Marchers Force Police To Lift Ban
TEN thousand people forced the police to retreat from their stated position that a march on parliament would be illegal, and that they would...
POSTAL WORKERS CONDEMN BROWN – and demand to call out the...
‘The phone call from Gordon Brown is not going to happen. That is why it is so important we step up the action and...
‘WE SHOULD ALL COME OUT!’ – Serwotka tellls CWU rally
‘We offer our full solidarity,’ civil servants’ union PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told a 500-strong rally of striking postal workers in central...
Brown Condemns Postal Workers
GORDON Brown yesterday, at his monthly press conference, condemned the striking postal workers and their union the CWU. He called their strike action in defence...
Brown Threatens Royal Mail Funding!
AT THE CWU rally at Central Hall yesterday afternoon, CWU leader Billy Hayes presented a successful outcome of the postal workers struggle as relying...