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RCN calls 48-hour national strike

THE ROYAL College of Nursing (RCN) has announced a round-the-clock 48-hour strike from 8pm on Sunday 30th April to 8pm on Tuesday 2nd May,...

Massive London marches call to kick out the Tories – Three...

NEARLY three-quarters of a million public sector workers from eight unions went on strike against the Tory government on Budget Day, Wednesday 15th March,...

5% pay rise and £1,000 bonus offer to NHS – will...

A FINAL pay offer for NHS staff in England, including nurses and ambulance workers, was made yesterday. Unite leader Sharon Graham said that Unite...

‘The only way forward is a general strike’ – insists Newcastle...

MORE than 10,000 NHS workers, other trade unionists and members of the public marched from UCLH hospital in Euston, central London, to a mass...

‘No Deal – Nothing On The Table!’– Junior Doctors to strike...

‘THERE was no deal. There was nothing, nothing on the table,’ said Junior Doctors’ Co-chair, Robert Laurenson outside the Department of Health, yesterday morning. Laurenson...

‘This will end up in a general strike!’ – Ambulance pickets...

‘WE’RE striking for better working conditions, pay and the service for patients,’ Unison member Scott Tyler emergency medical technician told News Line on the...

Millions turn out for Tuesday’s pension strike in France

MILLIONS of workers and youth took part in the first of two new mass strikes and demonstrations in France on Tuesday in opposition to...

‘Ignore us at your peril!’ – nurses warn Tories

SCORES of striking nurses spoke out angrily on the picket lines yesterday to condemn the Tory public sector pay cuts programme. Hundreds of thousands of...

No amount of pressure will force the Tories to even talk...

TENS of thousands of nurses and ambulance workers across England walked out yesterday at the start of two days of strike action. Members of the...

Striking nurses support general strike call!

Nurses were in a determined mood on the picket lines outside King’s College Hospital (KCH), roundly condemning Prime Minister Sunak’s refusal to even speak...

‘We’re striking to defend the NHS from the Tories!’ say RCN...

NURSES called for a general strike to defend the NHS on lively picket lines around the country yesterday. At University College Hospital near Euston in...

Biggest NHS strike in history! – bring down the Tories now

THE BIGGEST strike in the history of the NHS takes place today with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) escalating its action, as members...

‘Virtual wards will jeopardise patient safety even further’ – says BMA

THE NHS won’t survive without immediate steps to bolster our workforce, doctors union the British Medical Association (BMA) warned on Monday. Responding to the Tory...

‘We’re heading for a general strike’ say UCLH nurses

THE HUGE picket of around 400 nurses on the steps of University College Hospital (UCH) on the Euston Road in central London was featured...

Nurses and busworkers unite to bring down the Tory government

RCN NURSES from King’s College Hospital in south London marched from their picket line to the Camberwell Abellio bus garage yesterday, to bring greetings...

‘We are striking because people are dying!’ – says RCN’s Cullen!

‘PEOPLE aren’t dying because nurses are striking, nurses are striking because people are dying,’ RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said yesterday. ‘Today’s record number...

‘March with UCLH nurses to Downing Street today’ – urges Homerton...

OVER 2,000 trade unionists, workers and youth joined an emergency 6.00pm demonstration called by the trade unions in Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Monday...

Striking Nurses To March On Downing Street!

STRIKING nurses are marching on Downing Street today, leaving UCLH (University College London Hospital) at 2.30pm, as nursing staff go on strike in what...

BMA Junior Doctors Unite With The RMT To Demand Action Against...

THE sight of the junior doctors of the British Medical Association and the RMT union beginning to form an alliance in order to defend...

‘We’re ready to take on the government and the employers’ –...

Prof Philip Banfield, Chairman of BMA Council had opened the rally. He said: ‘Every day I am 100% committed to restoring your pay and...


ON SATURDAY, the BMA held a rally to launch its campaign for Pay Restoration. Balloting opened for strike action on 9th January and votes...

‘Corridor care seems to have become the norm’ says the RCN’s...

‘NEXT week’s strikes are in protest at unsafe care,’ said Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Director for England, Patricia Marquis yesterday, in response to...

7,000 NY nurses strike against ‘dangerous understaffing’

A STRIKE by more than 7,000 nurses at two major New York City hospitals began at 6.00am on Monday after talks aimed at averting...

TUC must respond to Tory ‘insult’ by calling a General Strike!

TRADE union leaders are meeting at the TUC in central London today to discuss their response to meetings held yesterday with Tory ministers where...


PRIME Minister Rishi Sunak is facing calls from senior Tories, including members of his own government, to tackle the crisis in the NHS and...

The Tories are planning to smash the trade unions – To...

THE General Council of the TUC is set to meet on Tuesday, in a meeting that has been kept a secret, lest large numbers...

Junior doctors are ready to walk out for 72 hours in...

JUNIOR doctors in England WILL walk out for 72 hours in March if the ballot for industrial action is successful, says the BMA. The BMA...

Tories determined to impose even bigger pay cuts on NHS...

TORY ministers have instructed the supposedly independent NHS Pay Review Body to cap the wages of frontline health workers to just 2% in 2023-24. At...

NHS IS BUCKLING BEFORE OUR EYES says RCN leader Patricia Marquis

‘AS WE begin a new year, the NHS is buckling before our eyes. The pressures are immense with flu cases surging while staff absences...

SNP join Tories in refusing any pay negotiations with nurses

THE Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in Scotland has voted overwhelmingly to reject the final pay offer from the nationalist SNP government, meaning Scottish...

Angry Nurses To Escalate Strikes!

NURSES’ strike action will escalate and spread across the UK in the new year, after RCN Scotland members overwhelmingly voted to reject the Scottish...

Tories Accuse Striking Nurses Of Murder As They Move To Knife...

YESTERDAY Tory Health Secretary Barclay, who is refusing to negotiate with the NHS trade unions over NHS pay, accused striking nurses of putting patients’...

Massive Support For Nurses Picket Lines

THE RCN picket outside St Thomas’ hospital opposite Parliament in central London on Tuesday was joined by hundreds of nurses, hospital staff, doctors, and...

Unite Leader Graham Condemns Barclay For A ‘Blatant Lie!’

STRIKING ambulance workers and their union leaders responded with fury at Tory Health Secretary Barclay’s article in yesterday’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, in which he...

‘We need a general strike!’ – strong call from picketing nurses

THE TORY government issued a calculated insult to thousands of striking nurses yesterday as the Royal College of Nursing held national strike action for...

Victory To Striking Nurses!

‘THE damage that you’re doing to families like mine is terrible,’ the mother of a sick three-year-old girl told Tory Health Secretary Stephen Barclay...

NOW is the time for the TUC to call a general...

THE nurses’ strike actions have revealed that they have the massive support of the vast majority of the working class in the UK, and...

‘It’s Everybody’s NHS! All Unions Must Defend It!’

NURSES were yesterday striking at many hospitals in England, all but one health board in Wales and the whole of Northern Ireland, for the...

Syria condemns Israeli war crimes against Palestinians

SYRIA has again condemned the Israeli occupation’s practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – the demolition of schools, the killing of children and innocent...

‘MY BLOOD WAS BOILING!’ says RCN leader after Army mobilised against...

‘MY BLOOD was boiling when I heard what he said,’ Patricia Marquis, Royal College of Nursing Director for England, said yesterday after Tory Cabinet...

CWU members march to 17,000-strong national rally

STRIKING postal workers took part in a 17,000-strong Communication Workers Union (CWU) national rally in Parliament Square, central London, on Friday afternoon. News Line spoke...

ALL trade unions must strike with the nurses to bring down...

NURSES are to strike on Thursday 15th and Tuesday 20th December. At the same time CWU postal and RMT and ASLEF rail workers are...

Thompson Out! Chant 17,000 Striking Postal Workers!

‘THOMPSON out!’ chanted 17,000 striking Royal Mail postal workers at a rally in Parliament Square yesterday afternoon. They were expressing their anger at the company’s...

UK ‘The Sick Man Of Europe!’ Say Nurses

THE RCN (Royal College of Nursing) has called on the Health Secretary to open negotiations on NHS pay as new research shows the UK...

‘Take a stand to save our NHS from Tories!’ – Unite...

AMBULANCE worker members of the GMB, Unite and Unison unions will take national strike action on 21st December, with paramedics, emergency care assistants, call...