Tag: iran
Putin Alarm At US War Drive
THE fact that the deepening capitalist crisis is turning the whole planet into a US war zone has begun to seriously alarm the Russian...
Take Action To Stop US-UK-Israel Attack On Iran
WHAT is being termed as a coalition of trade unions (Unison, the GMB and Amicus), charities and faith groups yesterday warned Tony Blair that...
IYAD Allawi, the former Iraqi puppet prime minister at the time of the US assault on Fallujah, and the leader of the Iraqi List,...
Brown Favours Bush’s ‘New World Order’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has spoken of the need for a ‘new world order’. He is not embarrassed that this is what President Clinton and...
Labour plans to criminalise the entire working class
THE government is planning ‘behaviour orders’ for people considered to be at risk of committing a violent crime. Class prejudice, ie racial and working...
Rice Visit Is To Stir Up Wars And Civil Wars
US Secretary of State Rice’s visit to the Middle East is to organise the conditions for US attacks on both Iran and...
Blair’s generation of imperialist war
After President Bush has informed the world that 20,000 more US troops are to be sent to Iraq, and his Secretary of State, Rice...
3.7 MILLION IRAQI REFUGEES – The product of Bush and Blair’s...
‘The current exodus is the largest population movement in the Middle East since Palestinians were displaced following the creation of the State of Israel...
War from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa
THE whole of the area from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa is now one great killing zone where US-UK imperialism either kills at...
President Ahmadinezhad Speaks To The Arabs Of Khuzestan
IRANIAN President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad spoke to a gathering of the people of Ramshir in oil-rich Khuzestan Province, which has a large Arab population...
BROWN’S ‘NEW POLITICS’ – as Blair goes missing
WITH Prime Minister Blair organising his post premiership job, Chancellor Brown stepped forward yesterday to promote the latest New Labour ‘vision’ of a ‘patriotic...
Thousands March To Honour Saddam Hussein
AMONG the towns and cities where Iraqis have been marching in funeral processions to honour President Saddam Hussein is Al Dujail. This is where the...
Saddam’s deputy, Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, issued a statement on 1 January, mourning his ‘brother’ and calling for unity. ‘The criminal evil hands of the...
Unite The Masses In The Gulf Against Imperialism
SADDAM HUSSEIN went to his death bravely and heroically, executed by agents of imperialism – the leaders of a puppet government that came to...
Angry Iraqis March For Saddam
Hundreds of angry supporters of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, many of them armed, protested yesterday against his execution and blamed leading Iraqi politicians for...
2007 – The Year For Revolution!
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2007 to the working class and youth of the world,...
Ford Opposed Bush On Iraq
As President George Bush prepared to discuss his next move in Iraq yesterday, he was delivered a posthumous blow from former President Gerald Ford,...
Browne echoes Bush on need for bigger army
PRESIDENT Bush, on Wednesday, called for a major expansion of the US army, and yesterday, the British Defence Minister, Browne, slavishly echoed his master’s...
Bush Plans To Expand US Army
PRESIDENT Bush’s decision to expand the US military is a direct attack on the masses of the Middle East and Iran, and on the...
Blair’s call for an ‘alliance’ to attack Iran
PRIME Minister Tony Blair told businessmen from Britain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Dubai yesterday: ‘We must mobilise our alliance of moderation...
Law cannot be allowed to get in the way of profiteering
THE Attorney General – the same official who ruled after much equivocation that the war with Iraq was legal – on Thursday told the...
Iran’s oil minister has called for today’s meeting of the OPEC oil cartel to cut production in order to raise prices above 60 dollars...
US Ruling Class Admit Strategic Defeat In Iraq
WITH 400 billion dollars already spent on digging US imperialism into a very deep hole in Iraq, the Baker committee of elder statesmen or...
Post-Trident nuclear missiles will be targeting Russia
THE Blair-Brown government intends to spend hundreds of billions of pounds on building a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines to deliver the replacement of...
Bush Visit To Form Alliance With ‘Axis Of Evil’
THERE has been a spate of hectic diplomatic activity in the Middle East, since the Israeli defeat in the Lebanon and the Congressional mid-term...
THE Iraqi Ba’ath Party has issued a communique warning that the execution of Saddam Hussein is a red line that must not be crossed. The...
Bush and Blair’s ‘democratic Iraq’
PRESIDENT George Bush is due to meet with his puppet Prime Minister of Iraq, Maliki, in the Jordanian capital of Amman, to discuss Bush’s...
‘One Last Big Push’ To Disaster
PRESIDENT BUSH and his military advisors were yesterday poised to announce ‘one last big push’ for victory in Iraq, and that 20,000 more US...
Blair looks to the ‘Axis of Evil’ for rescue
THE killing of four British soldiers in Basra on Sunday with at least three seriously injured, and the killing of six US soldiers in...
Arab League Condemns US Veto!
The Arab League has criticised the United States for vetoing a UN Security Council resolution that sought to condemn Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip. The...
Imperialist Crisis Deepens
JUST days after the mid-term elections dealt a decisive blow to his administration, Bush with the support of the Democrats has seen to it...
THE commander of Iran’s Revolution Guards, Brig-Gen Rahim-Safavi, has told Iranian TV that Tehran now possesses modern missile systems, and that Iran is ready...
Hammas Condemns Saddam Death Sentence
THE Hamas Palestinian government has condemned the death sentence handed down to Saddam Hussein, recalling the help the Iraqi leader gave...
Puppet court ‘convicts’ defiant Saddam
THE court that convicted President Saddam Hussein of Iraq to be hung for crimes against humanity was a creation of imperialism, made up of...
Blairites back-off and concede to Brown
OH how the mighty have fallen. It was not so long ago that Blairites were queuing up to challenge Gordon Brown for the premiership....
‘BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS!’ – protesters condemn MPs who backed invasion...
‘BLOOD on your hands!’, ‘Shame on you!’ shouted demonstrators opposite parliament on Tuesday night, as MPs left the House of Commons after a debate...
Maliki Objects To US-Puppet Army Raid On Sadr City
YESTERDAY was the first day after the US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad announced that he had given the Iraqi puppet government a timetable...
Carry out our timetable or else, US tells Iraqi puppets
IN his press conference yesterday, the US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad revealed, with the US commander, General Casey standing next to him, that...
World Capitalist Crisis Driving World Revolution
The US economy is at the centre of the worldwide capitalist economic crisis. It is in slump, with major industries, such as the motor car...
Baker Reveals Iraq Get Out Plan
A PANEL of White House advisers led by a former Secretary of State, James Baker, is reported to be recommending a major shift of...
Iraq – the end of the imperialist adventure in sight
SENATOR Warner, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee concluded, after his recent visit to Iraq, that the US game was...
Bush Threatens North Korea With War
YESTERDAY North Korea shook the imperialist powers who had assumed that the workers state would not dare to proceed to test a nuclear weapon. North...
Bigot Straw Stirs Up Division Amongst Workers
LABOUR MP Straw has been a Blackburn MP for 27 years and has long been aware that numbers of Muslim women in Blackburn wear...
US Threatens North Korea With War
‘WE are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea, we are not going to accept it,’ US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher...
LAST Friday Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah addressed in person a victory rally in Lebanon. ‘Brothers and sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen. On...