Tag: benefits
As the Tories get ready for more budget attacks on workers,...
THE SICKEST NHS patients ‘face hours on trolleys’ and in hospital corridors as the NHS desperately tries to find them beds, according to research...
CUPE campaigns for ‘outside’ municipal workers
THE City of Moncton management hides a dirty secret. It has been exploiting employment contract language loopholes to penny- pinch workers. Over 20% of all...
PARIS ERUPTS – as Macron’s pension attack goes to French Parliament
FRENCH unions brought the transport system to a halt again yesterday on ‘Black Monday’ the day the French parliament, the Assemblée nationale, began debating...
Sanders wins union endorsement for presidential campaign
THE UNIVERSITY of California’s largest employee union, AFSCME Local 3299, has voted to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders’ bid for President ahead of California’s March...
Working class will smash Johnson’s fantasies with socialist revolution
TORY prime minster Boris Johnson yesterday delivered a speech composed entirely of wishful thinking from which reality was completely excluded. In Johnson’s fairy-tale world British...
Universal Credit can’t be fixed: Abolish it along with the Tories!
THE TORY government suffered a defeat in the courts this week when the court of appeal dismissed a challenge by the Department for Work...
Trump Will Live To Regret His Empty Davos Boasting! US Debt...
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump’s address to the annual get together of politicians, billionaires, bankers and other assorted ‘running dogs’ of capitalism at the World...
Ban Pay ‘Gagging Clauses’ Says TUC
NEARLY a fifth (18%) of workers have been told they’re not allowed to discuss their pay with co-workers, according to new TUC/GQR polling published...
Doctors Pensions Victory – Presumption Of Guilt Proposal Is Outlawed By...
THE BMA doctors’ union secured a high court victory on Friday over controversial changes made by the Tory secretary of state for health and...
BMA condemns & rejects Primary Care specifications!
THE BMA’s England GP committee has voted not to accept a contract agreement with NHS England and condemned the recently-published draft service specifications outlining...
New Hampshire SEIU endorses Bernie Sanders for President!
The New Hampshire chapter of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for president. In doing so, the Granite...
THE News Line Editorial Board sends revolutionary greetings for 2020 to all our readers, and to the working class, youth and the poor who...
FBU pensions victory sets precedent for all public service workers
THE FIRE Brigades Union (FBU) won a massive victory not only for their members but for all public service workers when the employment tribunal...
Firefighters pensions victory
FIREFIGHTERS have won back their pensions, dealing a mighty blow to the government with far reaching implication for all public sector workers, in particular,...
Striking Catering Workers Arrested Across USA!
STRIKING catering workers employed by LSG Sky Chefs and Gate Gourmet were arrested at airports across the United States on November 26 as they...
‘After years of fighting SA domestic workers are closer to being...
‘ANYTHING can happen,’ says domestic worker Florence Sosiba. ‘I am sitting here in the house. A criminal can come. I am the victim. My...
Doctors warn of worst-ever winter crisis!
THE President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Dr Katherine Henderson, has urged hospital boards to ‘take immediate action’ to reduce crowding in...
THE DECEMBER 12th election is a crisis election, in a situation where the worldwide crisis of capitalism is deepening rapidly to explosion point. Eleven...
40-day UAW strike at GM ends in victory!
THE SIX-WEEK national strike by more than 48,000 United Auto Workers members against General Motors Co. has ended in victory. Thousands of UAW-GM employees nationally were returning...
Uni treating workers like slaves! – NUMSA mass picket
AT THE end of last week, members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) staged a mass picket at the University...
EUROPEAN corporations are two-faced when it comes to respecting working people’s freedom of association and workers’ rights, argues a new report by the AFL-CIO...
South African auto and security workers plan massive campaign of strikes
he National Union for Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) has rejected a wage proposal from employers in the motor sector and is set to...
‘Moreno A Hypocrite And Traitor! People’s Blood Non-Negotiable!’
‘Lenin Moreno Hypocrite and traitor – the blood of the people is not negotiable,’ shouted over a hundred Ecuadorians and their supporters outside the...
Occupation a ‘major barrier’ to healthcare for Palestinians says World Health...
PALESTINIANS in the West Bank and Gaza Strip continue to face major barriers to the realisation of the right to health, said Gerald Rockenschaub,...
SA National Banking Strike Banned!
ATTEMPTS to put on trial the most notably capitalist elements of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ suffered a major blow at the Labour Court of...
Homelessness in rural England rises by a third in a year!...
HOMELESSNESS in rural England has soared by as much as a third between 2012 and 2018, new figures released yesterday have shown. As rich...
Bloodbath Of Jobs At Marikana’s Mines!
WE KNEW there would be a bloodbath of jobs if Sibanye-Stillwater’s acquisition of Lonmin’s Marikana operations was approved by the Competition Commission.’ Association of Mineworkers...
Students unite with staff in pension battle
THE NATIONAL Union of Students (NUS) stands ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with the University and College Union (UCU) in the fight for fair pay and...
Students support Notts lecturers striking against ‘sign or be sacked’ contracts
STUDENTS are campaigning to support striking staff at Nottingham College and have organised a petition in support of the action which has already topped...
Universal Credit: ‘Cruel and flawed’ – says Unite
A bombshell report and survey of nearly 1,200 claimants by the union Unite lays bare the misery caused by the roll-out of Universal Credit. The...
US nurses strike over pay and condition
ABOUT 6,500 registered nurses staged a one-day strike in Tenet Health hospitals in Florida, California, and Arizona last Friday, demanding better working conditions and...
46,000 auto workers close down GM as the class struggle erupts in...
ON SUNDAY night 46,000 members of the United Automobile Workers (UAW), employed by General Motors in America, walked out on indefinite strike in a...
TUC backs September 20 global school strike – workers vote to...
THE TRADES Union Congress (TUC) has backed the global school strike on 20 September and pledged to support the efforts of school youth striking...
‘Unceasing Fatalities’ In Bangladesh Shipbreaking Industry
‘UNCEASING fatalities’ continue in the Bangladesh shipbreaking industry, as two more workers were killed and thirteen injured in yet another incident at the Ziri...
Over A Decade Of Tory NHS Cuts Have Put Patients And...
OVER A decade of Tory NHS cuts have put patients and staff at risk, as hospitals have been left in such a state of...
Give Fed workers right to strike–get rid of ‘right-to-work’ anti-union laws...
THE VERMONT US Senator Bernie Sanders wants to give federal workers the right to strike, to eliminate so-called ‘right-to-work’ laws, and at the same...
Ryanair Pilots Down Tools!
RYANAIR pilots have downed tools today causing huge cost to the company after Ryanair managers again refused to enter talks to end the long...
Marikana platinum miners ready to strike for a year!
MORE strife is looming at South Africa’s Marikana platinum mines, as members of Amcu (the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union) warned Lonmin’s new...
McDonnell makes his bid to lead government of national unity –...
JOHN McDONNELL made his bid to lead the proposed government of national unity to smash Brexit during his interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today...
‘Medicare for All’ the defining issue for Democrats
‘MEDICARE for All’ is shaping up to be one of the defining issues of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary campaign, with Bernie Sanders and...
Tory hostile environment alive and well and making a profit for...
A NEWSPAPER investigation has revealed that the Home Office has been making huge profits out of the human misery of the Tories’ ‘hostile environment’...
THE RMT warned on Tuesday that the long-awaited Government Rail Review – set up on the watch of serial failure Chris Grayling – is...
French youth rise up over death of 24 year-old after police...
THE GOVERNMENT of French president Emmanuel Macron went into a full blown crisis this week with riots in Nantes on Saturday where thousands of...
PCS Calls For Universal Credit To Be Smashed!
‘THROUGH our Universal Credit Fact Versus Fiction campaign, PCS is exposing the massive problems with a system that we say needs to be scrapped...
Gov. must end ‘two-child limit’ for payment of benefits!
UP to 600,000 children have now been affected by the Tory government’s two-child limit to ‘Universal Credit’ benefits, the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)...