Workers Revolutionary Party

Workers support march to TUC!

The marchers were given a great reception by Unison and GMB members as they arrived in Harrow

The marchers were given a great reception by Unison and GMB members as they arrived in Harrow

ON THE first day of the Young Socialists March for Jobs from London to Liverpool, as the marchers made their way through Harrow, on their way to Watford, they received tremendous support from the council workers.

On Tuesday, Unison and GMB members and officials greeted the marchers with their delegations, banner and teas and coffees, to cheers from everyone.

Davis Searles, Unison equalities officer, addressed the marchers, saying: ‘We applaud everything that you are doing. Youth unemployment is on the rise and the highest it has been. Good luck on your march, we support you all the way.’

He told News Line: ‘Unemployment rates, especially for young people, are through the roof, they are forced to take jobs at minimum wage. Our view as Unison is that every employer must pay the London living wage of £7.70 outer London and £8.80 inner London.

‘It’s ridiculous, workers are being paid the minimum wage but it’s not enough to buy the things they need for existance, everything is spiralling out of control. The average working man or woman cannot afford to work. Their wage just does not provide what they need to live.

‘We had a big strike on 10th July and five unions came out together. Employers are taking advantage of young people who are forced to go to food banks and take out payday loans. That’s why we support your march to Liverpool and lobby of the TUC.’

Pamela Belgrave, GMB Harrow local government branch secretary, said: ‘We support the march, both GMB and Unison. It’s important for young people to have jobs. In the past we could get any job, but now there’s no jobs for young people.

‘Young people clearly want to work. If there is no work for youth and the government won’t provide jobs then there should be strike action and youth need to fight for what they need.

‘If a general strike is something that needs to be done and it goes that far, then I will support it.

‘I wish the young people the best of luck on their march from London to Liverpool.’

Stephen Compton, Unison branch chairman, told News Line: ‘We support everything the Young Socialists are doing. What’s going on at the moment is that the sole purpose of the Conservative government is to make sure that privatisation reigns.

‘They are all governed by the banks. They have made draconian cuts to local government and they have not addressed the problems of the banking system. Bankers take abhorrent bonuses, while young people are struggling to find a job.

‘They have destroyed industry up and down the country. I’d like to say to the Young Socialists march from London to Liverpool we wish them every success in lobbying the TUC.’

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