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Home news from around the United Kingdom

University staff step up struggle

MORE WORKERS at 74 universities across the country joined the strike yesterday as students also came out onto the picket lines to support their...

Tories Planning To Break ‘Trade Union Stranglehold’

THE TORY government is drawing up plans for new anti-union laws to ‘break the stranglehold of the trade unions’, The Sunday Telegraph newspaper disclosed...

Assange Must Be Freed!

ALMOST a decade after his WikiLeaks website enraged Washington by leaking secret US documents, a London court will begin hearings on Monday to decide...

NUS gives full support for university strikes!

THE NATIONAL Union of Students (NUS) threw its weight behind the biggest ever wave of strikes on university campuses yesterday. The NUS pledged its solid...

14 Days Strike At 74 Universities!

THE BLAME for the disruption to students’ education by strike action starting today lays squarely at the door of vice-chancellors, said the University and...

Ban zero hours! – New figures show massive rise

‘ENOUGH is enough, it’s time to follow the successful policies of other countries and ban these contracts once and for all,’ GMB’s Tim Roache...

Assange At Risk Of Being ‘Tortured To Death’

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange, who has been held in terrible conditions in Belmarsh Prison, is ‘in a dire state of health due to psychological...

‘MASSIVE VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION!’ – CWU leaders urge membership

THE COMMUNICATION Workers Union is calling for a massive vote for strike action against Royal Mail management’s attempts ‘to virtually de-recognise the CWU and...

3-day week looms! JCB cuts 4,000 workers’ hours

DIGGER manufacturer JCB is cutting production and working hours in the UK as it faces a shortage of components from China due to the...

Youth Rise Up Against Capitalism

A THOUSAND school youth walked out of classes yesterday to join the mass protest in Parliament Square, furious at how capitalism is destroying the...

Fire and Rescue cuts puts flood victims lives at risk

VICIOUS Tory cuts to the tune of £140 million mean that fire and rescue services are fighting with one hand tied behind their back....

Stop mass deportation flight today! – demand 150 MPs and Lords

THE MASS deportation flight due to leave today with 50 people on board who came to the UK as children must be stopped! over...

‘Stop shameful deportations!’ of people who came to the UK as children

THE GOVERNMENT must end the deportation of foreign-born offenders who came to the UK as children, according to a draft report into the Windrush...

‘No immunity for Grenfell companies’ – demands FBU member Lucy Masoud

‘NO ONE should be immune from prosecution. The firefighters certainly weren’t and the manufacturers of the cladding definitely should not be,’ Lucy Masoud FBU...

GRENFELL INQUIRY HALTED! – no date set for reopening

THE GRENFELL INQUIRY HAS BEEN HALTED! Hearings have been cancelled until the charman of the inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick considers a demand from lawyers representing...

74 Universities – 14 Days Of Strike

STAFF at 74 universities across the length and breadth of the country and in the north of Ireland are to strike in February and...

Johnson and Barnier clash over EU/UK fishing rights

TORY PM Johnson clashed yesterday with the EU’s Barnier over the thorny issue of Europeans fishing in UK waters and vice-versa. Speaking in Greenwich, Johnson...

GRENFELL – ‘PROSECUTE THE GUILTY!’ – Survivors still demanding justice

JUSTICE for Grenfell yesterday branded as ‘outrageous’ and ‘atrocious’ the demand by company officials called before the Grenfell Inquiry for immunity from prosecution. The Grenfell...

Grenfell–‘Companies Killed 72 People!’

THE COMPANIES that carried out the Grenfell Tower refurbishment killed 72 people ‘just as surely as if they had taken careful aim with a...

450 jobs axed at BBC

FOUR hundred and fifty jobs are to be axed at the BBC, it was announced yesterday. The cuts include the closure of the Victoria Derbyshire...

Over Half Of All London Nurses Want To Leave The City!

OVER half of London’s nurses want to leave the city as the cost of living devours their income. The majority of nursing staff blame the...

Suspend inquiry unless panellist immediately replaced say Grenfell campaigners

THE SECOND phase of the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower Fire began yesterday with families and friends of the 72 men, women and children...


TWO coachloads of French ‘Gilet Jaunes’ (Yellow Vests) joined the Committee to Defend Julian Assange ‘Bastille Day’ protest outside Belmarsh prison in south east...

‘FRESH BLOW TO CAR INDUSTRY’! – over 10% job losses at JLR Halewood

THE UNITE union has described the announcement that there will be further job losses at JaguarLandRover’s (JLR’s) Halewood plant in Merseyside as a ‘fresh...

BMA condemns & rejects Primary Care specifications!

THE BMA’s England GP committee has voted not to accept a contract agreement with NHS England and condemned the recently-published draft service specifications outlining...

NI Nursing Strike Actions Continue

THE DIRECTOR of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) says she has not had enough reassurance about safe staffing to propose an end to...

‘FREE ASSANGE’ – demands demo outside Westminster Magistrates Court hearing yesterday

‘FREE Julian Assange!’ demanded a mass protest outside Westminster Magistrates’ Court yesterday morning while inside, the head of WikiLeaks won the right for extra...

Labour split over Scottish Referendum!

SCOTTISH Labour may hold a special conference in the spring to decide whether to change its stance on supporting a second Scottish independence referendum. The...

Tories ask Iraq ‘let UK troops remain!’

JOHNSON’S Tory government has urged Iraq to allow UK troops to stay in the country following the US assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. Soleimani...

2.7% Fare Hike – Amidst Rail Chaos

COMMUTERS were up in arms yesterday as above inflation 2.7% increases in rail fares set in, while services across the country have been in...

WORKING CLASS MUST TAKE POWER IN 2020! New Year’s Day Manifesto

THE News Line Editorial Board sends revolutionary greetings for 2020 to all our readers, and to the working class, youth and the poor who...

36,876 paid less than minimum wage in Scotland!

NEARLY 37,000 people in Scotland were paid less than the statutory minimum wage last year, while employers across the UK owe workers an average...

UK committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ over Chagossians return

THE UK committed ‘crimes against humanity’ by refusing to allow Chagos Islanders to return to their homes on the Chagos Islands, which is now...

1,800 will spend Christmas in an immigration detention centre!

UK GOVERNMENT figures show that over 1,800 people in Britain will spend the Christmas holiday incarcerated in immigration detention centres, prompting calls to end...

Over 71,000 sofa surfing this Xmas!

‘HUMILIATING, painful, depressing,’ says a new report released yesterday by homeless charity Crisis, highlighting the brutal realities of ‘sofa surfing’. The research shows that with...

‘Make the least unsafe decision!’ – Norfolk & Norwich hospital staff told

STAFF at Norfolk’s biggest hospital , the Norfolk and Norwich, were told to make the ‘least unsafe decision’ last week, when the hospital had...

MI5 carrying out serious crimes is lawful rules Judicial Tribunal

FIVE judges of the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal have given a divided ruling over a secret MI5 policy allowing security service agents to commit...

Re-Open Maternity & Children’s Ward Demands Picket

‘RE-OPEN maternity! Re-open Children’s Ward! Save Ealing Hospital!’ rang out early yesterday morning as over 50 people joined the mass Xmas picket of Ealing...

Unions unite to defend RIGHT TO STRIKE!

OVER one hundred RMT members, along with members of the PCS, UCU and Unite rallied outside Parliament yesterday to defend the right to strike. This...

N Ireland health workers strike!

NURSES in the RCN union came out on strike for the first time in the union’s 103-year history in the north of Ireland yesterday,...

Firefighters pensions victory

FIREFIGHTERS have won back their pensions, dealing a mighty blow to the government with far reaching implication for all public sector workers, in particular,...


RAIL CHAOS rapidly spread across the length and breadth of the UK as new train timetables coming into force yesterday hit serious problems, leaving...

Brexit vote Friday

THE NEW Tory government with its majority of 80, plans to ask MPs to vote on PM Johnson’s Brexit bill as early as this...

Corbyn, McDonnell on their knees

LABOUR leaders Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell yesterday delivered abject apologies for the party’s defeat in last Thursday’s election, which saw them lose 59...

Xmas Mass Picket At Ealing Hospital

THE WEST London Council of Action has called a 7am-9am Xmas Mass Picket of Ealing Hospital on Friday 20th December to step up the...