Israel’s Gaza Genocide Goes Over 25,000!

Photojournalist Muin Ayyash, his wife, Najah, their children, and grandchildren. Israel has killed everyone in this picture in bombing raids

AT LEAST 25,105 people have now been killed and 62,681 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.

Gaza’s Health Ministry reported that as the US/UK-backed Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered its 107th day yesterday 178 Palestinians had been killed and 293 injured in the past 24 hours.
Massive aerial and artillery strikes pounded Gaza neighbourhoods and homes yesterday, and massacring more civilians, mostly children and women.
Two were murdered by Israeli snipers in central Khan Younis, the Israeli army killed five in an artillery attack east of Jabalia refugee camp, three were killed when the Israeli army bombed a civilian car in al-Yarmouk market in Gaza City, an unknown number were killed or injured by Israeli sniper fire in al-Katiba, southwest of Gaza City.
In the West Bank at dawn on Sunday the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped at least 16 Palestinian citizens during raids, amid resistance operations and clashes with local youths.
Resistance fighters opened fire at the Dotan checkpoint near Ya’bad town in Jenin and withdrew from the area.
The IOF stormed Meithalun town in southern Jenin, which provoked clashes with local youths and prompted resistance fighters to detonate explosive devices at their vehicles and open fire at them. Four citizens were reportedly kidnapped following IOF raids on their homes in Meithalun town.
In Nablus, the IOF stormed the eastern area of the city and kidnapped three citizens from their homes. IOF vehicles came under fire from resistance fighters in Khilat al-Amud area upon their withdrawal from Nablus City. Footage showed an IOF vehicle being towed after it sustained damage.
The IOF kidnapped two citizens from their homes in Khilat al-Amud and another one from Amman street in Nablus.

  • A senior Hamas delegation led by its political bureau chairman Ismail Haneyya met with Turkish foreign minister Hakan Fidan on Saturday evening.

A statement by Haneyya’s office said that the two sides discussed political and field developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza.
It added that the discussions also tackled means of ending the Israeli aggression and sending urgent relief aid to Gaza Strip, especially the northern areas.
Both sides touched on the prisoners exchange issue (between Israel and Hamas) and achieving the Palestinian people’s aspirations in self-determination and establishment of a fully-sovereign and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, the statement concluded.
• See editorial