Academies Out!

Wembley anti-academy campaigners at the Easter NUT annual conference where they were given full backing by the union
Wembley anti-academy campaigners at the Easter NUT annual conference where they were given full backing by the union

‘Academies are about Blair’s obsession with privatisation’, said NUT president Baljeet Ghale yesterday during a visit to the anti-academy occupation at the sports ground site for a planned academy in Wembley, north west London.

Ghale told campaigners at the site: ‘They are nothing to do with raising standards.

‘If these private sponsors want to help educate children, they should give the money to the education authority and not own the assets and land.

‘This occupation is local people taking direct action.

‘The local authority and government should take notice of it.

‘I’m delighted to be here lending my support.

‘The irony is they are taking away a sports ground and nursery, where young people come to play and have football teams.

‘It is taking away something which no one wants taking away.’

Asked would she encourage others to occupy against academies, the NUT president said: ‘Yes. It is brilliant. It is people taking control.

‘It staggers me that this government is so blinkered in privatising everything.

‘Blair’s legacy is privatisation and the money he’s spent on the war.’

One of the occupation organisers, NUT executive member Hank Roberts told News Line: ‘I’m delighted the NUT president has come to support our occupation.

‘Trade unionists, parents and pupils and those that support state education are invited to join us on the Day of Solidarity and Fun on Saturday May 5th from 1pm.

‘Together we will win.’

Brent NUT assistant secretary Alpha Kane added: ‘I believe in the ideal of comprehensive education against selection.

‘I firmly believe education is a right not a charity and it should be given to all children as a balanced, broad curriculum.

‘We had to occupy this ground in order to show our strength of opposition to private sponsors taking over the sports ground and taking over education.

‘The privateers want to decide what is being taught and to whom it is being taught.’

The anti-occupation campaigners were lobbying Brent Town Hall last night, when the council executive was due to make a decision on a new bid for sponsorship from ARK (Absolute Return for Kids).

Having seen off the previous sponsor, Andrew Rosenfeld, campaigners are determined to see off hedge fund speculator ARK.